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Once upon a time, there a man in an undisclosed location. Trying to conceal his identity, his friend sends him this... I am now under obligation to answer these questions.


1) I have many nicknames: Duke of Wisconsin, Prince Charming, King Dork the 7th, Chia, Abdieal, Avi, and Mini Mighty Max. What can I say? I know a lot of people.

2) 600 nanometres is my eye color. No, I'm not kidding. The fellow science master will understand.

3) The color of my hair is purple and yellow, yet red and green. Still, some say it's blue and orange.

4) A fact about me, you must earn three. Three of what, of a cut? No, see the truth as plainly written for puzzles of words lies truths of wisdom. When no reason is found for making a sound. Question why, and you'll find it quite plain.

5) 2 12 21 5 is my favorite color.

6) A place for me, you wish to see. See, a path I walk, no place to I stay. Yet still, I stay, always in the same place. The wise understand. The understanding take its counsel. Even some can grasp its center find true power that leads to knowledge and reverence. Of what, you ask. Only those who alrighty know will understand.

7) He's tall. He's older than all you youngster, yet his voice like thunder.

8) A poem is named after him. That poem of the mystical religion of a man. That strange William. You say, 'Shakspere!' No! I say. This man was of the strangest kind of whose doctrines I don't agree. If you know this, then you do well. If you don't, try while the darkness lurks.

9) Physical education iron Central time bye education. I'm not messing with you; this is code. It is simpler than it looks.

10) I call it life. You call it nonsense. they call it history. I call it poetry. they call it madness. Confused, you question what you think. (The answer is easy to see)

I hope you have enjoyed. If anyone gets any these write, write what you think. For those who get something right, there is a reward.

I am supposed to tag twenty people, but I only have two followers... both of which have already been tagged. Therefore, I am tagging no one, and making a tradition. It is a rebellion against the rebels.

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