The Scent of Coffee

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Our lives are different. The scent of flowers and warm and bitter coffee sting my nose. It was pleasant. As I walked around the park by my apartment, the spring breeze kissed my nose. My apartment was a few blocks away. I did not realize I had walked this far away from my home. My partner was waiting inside our little humble home. Jaehee Kang, was this beautiful woman's name.

Oh my pillow.. can't get me tired..

Music faded away as I removed my earbuds. Slowly, reality was coming back to me. The RFA was split apart. We no longer held parties for our fundraisers. But of course, we kept our messenger and stayed together as friends. Friends.. at least what I thought of them to be.

"MC, you're home!" Jaehee greeted me with a warm smile. Her beautiful figure wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt I bought her for her birthday last year. As casual as it sounds, anything she wears was perfect to me. Her breath smelled like coffee..

"Did anyone come over? I also bought us some new candles. I made sure to get the peppermint.. I know it is your favorite." Setting down the candles on our kitchen counter, Jaehee took my coat and hung it on the rack. Our lovely home was small, but it was very comfortable.

"Yes.. Luciel and Yoosung stopped by. They wanted to see you.. but I informed them, that you were walking around the neighborhood." Jaehee sat down on our couch with a small Christmas mug she was given by Zen. The warm scent of a cappuccino on a cold winter day made me sleepy. Coffee was one of my favorite scents.

"Dang, I wish I walked back home sooner.." I sat down on the floor, in front of the couch where Jaehee was watching Zorro, Zen's most popular musical, again. I love Zen, he is my best friend, but Jaehee would not stop watching him. Truth be told.. I miss him.


Jaehee's POV:

Beep Beep Beep

05:24.. It is so early in the morning..

"Mng.." MC laid next to me, groaning as the loud alarm woke her up. She currently worked at a cafe, while I still worked with Mr. Han. Sadly, I do plan on resigning as his assistant. But, I do not know when.

"Wake up, MC.. You still need to open your shop.. I know you are tired, but that is why we have coffee." I teased her softly. Her soft, long, brown hair brushed against my skin. I admire her..

MC rolled over to my side and laid her head on my lap. I grabbed my non-prescription glasses from the case that was inside my desk. "Five more minutes, Baehee.." She groaned softly as she closed her eyes, tiredly. "I need to get ready. What have I told you about that nickname?" I softly said, softly trying to wake her up again.

After a few minutes of convincing, I managed to get that little hard-headed girl to finally wake up and get ready. Just as I was about to stop by at the cafe for breakfast, my cellphone rings. Lord and behold it was non other, than my boss. Mr. Catni- I mean Mr. Han.

"Hello, Mr. Han?" I answered my cellphone with a slight hesitation. What could he possibly want this early? I am not even heading to work... Then, he replied with, "I need you to pick up Elizabeth from my penthouse. Something came up and I have to go to Daegu for a few days to do some business there." He sounded so cold and bitter, but who am I to complain? If I do not want to be fired, I have to do what I have to do.

"Isn't it too early in the morning, sir? I have not even eate-" Just then, I was rudely interrupted by him. "I do not want to hear it. Now, I shall go. Driver Kim is waiting for me and I expect you to pick up my Elizabeth in fifteen minutes sharp. I am hanging up now"


"Did he just hang up on me..?!" I freaked out. MC turned around, nearly spilling boiling hot water on herself. "Shoot!" MC suddenly yelped in the back. As worried as I was, I followed the sound of the distressed brunette to the counter, to see her on the floor with sugar everywhere.

She just smiled awkwardly at me and dusted the sugar off of her skirt. At least only a small fourth of the sugar spilled. But it was still a waste of sugar. MC's clumsiness is one of my favorite things about her.

I checked my phone. 05:56.

"Shoot! I am going to be late! I will be back MC." MC hugged me, goodbye. She waited for me by the door until I drove to pick Elizabeth up. I arrived 10 minutes later, being 6 minutes late. Mr. Han scolded me, but I explained how MC's clumsiness caused me to be late. It sounds a little stupid, but it was the truth. Soon after Mr. Han handed me the cat, I waved him goodbye and dropped Elizabeth at our apartment. MC could tell how tired I was. Especially with Jumin's bullsh-. His bullcrap...

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