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There were corpses everywhere. Some were already rotting to the core, giving out a foul odour. Everyone were dead, their souls resting in vain. Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Hanji, Sasha, Reiner, Christa, Connie, and all his other friends... they were all dead. Humanity had ended. The age of titans would be taking over. Even after witnessing so much, Eren Jaeger wanted to believe. To believe that his lover was still alive somewhere out there. Yes, Levi Ackerman had to be alive!

He used his 3D Maneuver Gear to steer himself to the top of the highest building which was about to collapse any minute if a sudden gust of wind blew towards it. With tears blurring his visions, Eren stood bravely on the debris, not caring if one of the titans had spotted him. "LEVIIII!" He cried out, earning some of the titan's nearby attention. "LEVI! I KNOW YOU ARE NOT DEAD!" He screamed out once more, feeling difficult to process the word 'dead' in his mind. No, no, no, Levi was alive! He had to be! He was the humanity's strongest soldier!

"Heichou..." Eren broke down, loud sobs escaping his lips. More titans were stomping their way to Eren, ready to gobble him up. Eren forced himself to stand up and not give up until the corporal was found, whether dead or alive. He blasted off a puff of smoke as he swung in the air using the 3DMG and barely avoiding the titans. His eyes roamed around the living hell. He could see Reiner's body buried under stacks of rocks and someone's arm in the middle of the roadway. Still no sign of the short corporal...

Eventually, Eren ran out of gas and he stumbled to the ground, his head and arms bleeding heavily from deep wounds. "Dammit..." he muttered, his teardrops staining his shirt. "Levi... please be alive..."

There was some faint groans and weird noises coming from beneath a fallen building. "Could it be...?" Eren ran towards the direction of the strange gruntings and tore away the debris, flinging pieces at the approaching titans. There, barely recognizable and bleeding like hell, was the corporal. "Levi!" Eren cried in delight and carried the limp body towards his, embracing the nearly-dead soldier into a warm hug. "Eren..." Levi mumbled but didn't get to finish his sentence before vomiting out pools of blood. "Heichou! hang on!" Eren instructed, wiping the corners of Levi's mouth with his dirty, stained shirt. "Listen Eren, I can't stay alive for long." Levi gasped for air, his nails digging into Eren's back. "So please, live long and kill the titans, every one of them..."

Eren couldn't believe his ears. The corner of his eyes teared up again, and crystalline tears fell to Levi's weak face. "No don't die! You're with me, heichou! You can't die! We'll slaughter the titans together!" Eren screamed. Levi let out a weak laugh as he cupped Eren's cheek, wiping his tears away. "Tch, stubborn as always. I won't be with you anymore, so please do that for me..." he smiled. Levi never smiled entirely in his life before, even if he wanted or was forced. As much as Eren didn't want to believe the fact that his lover was dying in front of his eyes, he had to abide by it.

Eren buried his face into Levi's chest, feeling his faint heartbeat.

"I love you, heichou..." Eren mumbled. "Call me by my name, please..." Levi begged. "I LOVE YOU, LEVI ACKERMAN, AND I WILL ALWAYS!" Eren cried out.

"Haa... I love you too, Eren Jaeger." Levi rasped out before placing a soft kiss on Eren's forehead.

"L-Levi?!?" Eren cried in panic as he tried to make out Levi's heartbeat, but failed to find one. He was dead. "LEVIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" Eren sobbed, kissing Levi all over again. Tears kept falling non-stop. His lover was dead. Dead.
'Kill the titans...!'

Levi's voice rang clearly in Eren's mind. Kill the titans? It was Levi's last and final wish. To kill the titans. Every one of them.

Eren wiped away his tears and stood up, facing a 10-meter titan. He whipped out his blades and remebered he ran out of gas. Someone's body was beside him, with a free 3DMG. Thinking quickly, he tore away the gas tank from the equipment and replaced it for his own. Eren gave a sickening smirk and his eyes had a complete look of terror in it before charging full speed at the titan.

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