Youre insecure

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Everything in the store didn't seem to fit you right. Everything either made you look fat or short or both! You groaned in frustration and just gave up. You walked back to the waiting area where Luke was waiting with his phone playing some bubble pop game. "Hey Angel, did you find anything?" You just pouted in response. "Aww why?" "Because everything looks ew on me" "hey thats not true" he says getting up and lifting your chin so your eyes made contact with him. The ocean blue in his eyes showed concern and sincerity. "You're prefect,kay?" "But I'm no model, everything looks so ugly and i hate it Luke" tears brimmed your eyes. "You hate the store?" "No" "then?" "I hate my body" you whispered. He laced his fingers with yours and planted a soft kiss on your lips. "You are beautiful ok" "but-" "no angel, no 'buts'. You're the most beautiful girl i've ever met" "you're saying that only cause your my boyfriend, you kinda have to" Luke stole another kiss from you and deepened it. "My beautiful angel" he whispered.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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