Meet Naux

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Naux sat in his room, petting his cat while working on some of some school work. He was a pale boy with dark black hair, he looked like a skeleton, his bones clear on his hands and ribs. The cat purred softly and snuggled closer to Naux. Naux was sipping on some hot tea under two blankets, he was cold. He sighed and closed his laptop then laid back, the cat prancing away. An alarm went off from the bathroom causing him to sigh. Naux stood up and walked to the bathroom, shivering as the cold tiles touched his feet.

Alexa, stop, He said calmly and grabbed his pillbox from the medicine cabinet. Naux silently counted out the pills in Thursday's box. Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B1, Prozac, hmmm, alright I have everything, he muttered to himself as he filled a small cup with water to take the pills.

Naux went downstairs to make himself some dinner. As usual, he made himself some mac n cheese, his favorite. He was stirring the pot when something in the living room fell over.

I swear this house is haunted... everything always falls, Naux muttered softly and put some of the mac n cheese into a bowl and onto the counter. He poured himself chocolate milk, his favorite. Naux loved sweets, he had a crazy high metabolism too so he could eat a lot of food and barely gain a pound. So he ate his food calmly, his cat circling his leg, rubbing his soft fur against it.

Naux hadnt been in contact with anyone for a little over 3 years now so when he got his cat he was overjoyed to have company. It gets lonely around here, he would say. Sure he texted people but that wasnt the same as physical affection which the cat always gave him. Naux named this cat Wuss-Puss after one of his favorite movies, Coraline. He was gonna just name him Coraline but then he realized she was a he and named the cat Wuss-Puss.

After Naux finished his food he cleaned up and went into the living room to see what fell. At first, he didnt see it but soon he saw the small picture frame on the ground.

Naux shakily reached down to take it, please dont be broken.. he whispered to himself and turned it over. To his relief the picture and its frame was fine, sighing softly he turned and put the picture back. Slowly sitting down he turned on the tv to keep his mind busy. He liked to watch things like Disney Channel, Nick, and Cartoon Network. He never got to watch stuff like that as a kid so he was making up for it now.

After watching some tv Naux grew drowsy and ended up falling asleep, which he didnt do often. The reasoning is that he usually had nightmares. He hated those nightmares.

As the night passed on he continued to sleep, it was about 1 am when a nightmare ruined everything. It started off how it always did, Naux at age 9 sitting in the car, bouncing up and down in the backseat.

Momma! Momma! Where are we going? Naux asked his mother.

Youll see hun, you just have to wait, Nauxs mother said softly. His mother was a thin, tall woman with dark brown, almost black hair. Of course, her hair was slight greyed now but besides that, she was very beautiful.

As they drove on Naux asked more and more where they were going. But soon that excitement would be turned to fear. His mother saw the deer crossing signs but didnt really think much of it until one ran out onto the road.

Momma! Naux screamed as he saw it, but his mother wasnt able to react in type. The car crashing into the large deer then spun off the road. Naux screamed and screamed, he wondered why his mom didnt scream but soon enough he would know. Sitting in the crushed car Naux sat in shock, unable to understand what just happened.

Momma..? Naux whispered, his voice hoarse from screaming Momma! Momma! he shook his mother's body Wake up! Please momma wake up! he cried.

Slowly the realization hit Naux, his mother wasnt waking up. So he slowly stumbled to the road, his hands were covered in blood and dirt, his hair wild, his face red and blotchy from crying and it continuously being hit. He wanted to go home, he wanted to see his momma again.

The dream quickly shifted, he was outside on an old porch. He tried the door, it was locked. Sighing softly Naux went to town, hoping that he could get something to eat. He used back roads usually but it was faster going on the main roads.

After getting closer to town Naux ran into some trouble, the rocks. The Rocks are a group of boys at Nauxs school. The Rocks love to pick on Naux, he was different from other boys, he was scared of most people and didnt like girls. The few friends he would make would always leave once they found out about his sexuality. So when it finally spread that he was gay, he was never safe.

Luke, the leader of The Rocks, snarled and shoved Naux back a bit. Hey, pixie stick! Where do you think youre going?

Naux sighed softly and tried going around them but sadly there was no way The Rocks would let that happen.

Luke threw a punch and hit Naux straight in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground.

Suddenly the dream flashed to a boy around Nauxs age, he was tall and lean, tan skin with freckles dotting the surface. His eyes were a beautiful blue, light like a clear summer day. His soft smile was bright and it made his eyes squint slightly. Naux thought this boy was very handsome.

Naux, wake up, its going to be okay, the young boy said calmly and reached out for him, but before any contact could happen Naux was falling backward...away from the young boy.

Naux awoke with a start, jolting forward and gasping. This surprised Wuss-Puss who mewed and rubbed against him. Naux sighed and pet Wuss-Puss That boy...I couldve sworn Ive seen him before he muttered as he stood and went up to his room.


Hey y'all! So this an introduction to my book Boy In The Dark. I started working on this in August. I hope you enjoy! I originally was going to publish this as an actual book but it became a chore and I decided to stop for a while. This will be the longest chapter for about 3 or 4 more chapters. I hope you enjoyed. Also for anyone who used to follow me for my other books, all of those are unpublished and discounted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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