I. Choodamani Vihar

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Being Chaithirai - the first month of Tamil calendar, the summer's heat which was baking the people alive at all the hours of the day and night, hadn’t yet started up at the crack of that earlier dawn. The soft ray of the sun, and the cool breeze from the sea had set the weather so clement at Nagappattinam beach and the area around the edifice of Choodamani Vihar!

The Choodamani Vihar, one of the prominent Buddhist Monastery of South India, which was built few centuries ago by the glorious Emperor of Shailendra dynasty, the Shri Mara Vijaya Thunga Varman, which was renovated by the great Chola Emperor, Rajaraja Chola few decades back (Timeline of the story is around 1020 CE), and was well cherished under the reign of Rajaraja’s son, Emperor Rajendra Chola, was standing tall in the beach of Nagapattinam town, as a monument of centuries old memories!

The Choodamani Vihar, one of the prominent Buddhist Monastery of South India, which was built few centuries ago by the glorious Emperor of Shailendra dynasty, the Shri Mara Vijaya Thunga Varman, which was renovated by the great Chola Emperor, Raja...

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The wavelets at the beach that morning were pretty humble and calm, resembled the tranquility and love that lies in the sacred heart of Lord Buddha!

A bunch of Grey herons in the beach were enjoying the cool breeze, moving their red beaks hither and thither, and singing sweet chirps to celebrate the sunrise!

The Cormorants were spreading their thick black wings and flying low over the water surface! A group of Painted-Storks, with long yolk yellow skinny webbed feet, were focusing their attention on the waves! All those sea birds were busy in looking for their breakfast, letting the small fishes go and waiting for the bigger ones to show up!

The Cormorants were spreading their thick black wings and flying low over the water surface! A group of Painted-Storks, with long yolk yellow skinny webbed feet, were focusing their attention on the waves! All those sea birds were busy in looking ...

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The bluish white sea-shore crabs, which had to spend their nights underground just to cover themselves from the summer's heat, now were gingerly caming out from their holes and got ready in no time to welcome the new day. They were playing with the seashells that the wavelets brought for them! The wind from the sea was so kind to those crabs too, been making short and swift wavelets frequently and bringing them more sea shells to play with!

 They were playing with the seashells that the wavelets brought for them! The wind from the sea was so kind to those crabs too, been making short and swift wavelets frequently and bringing them more sea shells to play with!

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