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Chloe's pov

I pushed through the smoke filled room. This house smelt of weed and beer, and at this point I wasn't in the mood for it, I wasn't drunk and I wanted to find my boyfriend Carter but he was no where to be found.

I pushed passed a group of overly cross faded teens who were clinging to each other for stability.

Making my way into the kitchen I noticed Carter's back in the crowded circle of boys around the keg.

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" I said looking at him in discuss as he chugged a whole cup of beer and watched as the overflow spilled over his cheeks.

"Heeeeyyyyy Clo...." Carter slurred as he reached for another cup of beer.

I swatted at the hand reaching for the cup and grabbed his other one to drag him into another room for some privacy.

Slamming the door I turned to him in annoyance.

"Ok drop the shit Carter which one of your lame jock buddies texted me this today?" I questioned pushing the text message I had recieved from him earlier today into his face.

"Oh that wasn't one of my friends." Carter said rubbing his eyes.

"What do you mean? You read the text right?! The one that says you're breaking up with me?!?" I said getting slightly more agrivated.

Carter's friends take his phone and text me stupid shit all the time, I didn't think this time would have been any different.

"Yes I know what it says... Duh... I'm the one who wrote it." Carter slurred out.

"What?... Why?" I said hurt as his face twisted into a smile seeing my expression.

"Because babe, I'm going to collage next year, and you'll be here... For what another year? I'm not passing up collage girls for a girl I barely even liked."

"Excuse me? Did I just hear you correctly you ass hole? If I'm correct I broke up with you 3 months ago because you were being a douche and you cried for 4 days until I took you back." His eyebrows furrowed as he remembered the time.

"Well it wasn't worth it, I have my shit together now... I don't need you." He said as he stumbled out of the room.

That's when the tears came. My vission blurred and my heart was pounding so I ran from the room and grabbed a drink out of the nearest persons hand.

Chugging it I realized it was straight vodka. Awesome. My head began to get warm almost imediatley as I charged out of the party.

I needed to get to my car fast, I started to run across the street. But then there was headlights and screeching and cracking and darkness.

Katherine's pov

I had heard about a party through the grape vine, a bunch of teens drunk off their asses make a perfect and easy meal for me.

You barley have to compel them to make them forget what you did to them. They probably won't remember it anyways.

I was starving. So when I reached the street to get to the house I began to speed up.

I was finally infront of the house when I saw a girl. 5'7 brown eyes and brown hair run out of the house.

Her eyes were tear stained and she looked like she had just been to hell. I decided that I was going to help her and compel her to not care about the douche that hurt her, but when she ran into the road infront of the pickup truck and nearly got flattened things changed.

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