CMM..Mistress! Part 1

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Beatrice stepped in to her new office. She is the newly hired Marketing Executive of one of the top Car Dealers in the country.

"Welcome to our family!" greeted by her office mates along with her Boss, Mr Dave. She timidly smiled at them while she received her bouquet of flowers from her colleague.

"Thank you for the warm welcome", she said. Mr Dave started to introduce her to all the Department Heads. She will be directly reporting to him, as he holds the position of Director of Sales.

Mr Dave is a family man with two kids and his wife is in Insurance company. Often, he will have meetings over the weekend with his team along with Bea. In the Sales Dept, their fave hang-out are bars and lounges nearby their office.

"How was the week?" Mr Dave asked one of the Sales Executive, Daryl. "Quite tough, boss", he answered. " And you, our lucky charm?" Mr Dave turned to another guy. "Boss, I'm good. By the way, I have closed the deal with RFC company so they replied to me and they will be getting additional 10 SUV from us for their Christmas party", JM told the team while sipping his whiskey on the rocks.

At this moment, Bea, whose busy on her laptop for summarizing the minutes, raised her head to look for this particular sales executive. "Arrogant!" on her mind, "I knew it, from the way he looks". Bea couldn't help but judge this particular colleague whom she realized that night, he was the same person who handed over the bouquet of flowers to her on her first day.

 Bea couldn't help but judge this particular colleague whom she realized that night, he was the same person who handed over the bouquet of flowers to her on her first day

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