Somewhere In Her Memories

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Izzy's POV

After we found Cubby's map and his yoyo, also along with Jake's spyglass, which wasn't part of the plan, but we got it back. Anyway Cubby started to play with his yoyo but all of a sudden, he swung it too high.

"Heads up!" Cubby exclaimed, and it snapped off and it was coming down. Wait that isn't coming towards me? Is it...? It hit me on the head, as I fell down to the ground.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, as I started to feel lightheaded, I'm going to faint again. For the third time now. I felt my eyes closing along with my memories fading away.

"Izz!" I heard Jake exclaim, as my whole world went black.

Jake's POV

"Ow!" Izzy exclaimed, as the yo-yo hit her on the head, I was shocked as she fell to the ground. I could see that she was about to faint. It must've really hit her on her head.

"Izz!" I exclaimed, as I ran over to her and her eyes closed. I got on my knees beside her and tried to wake her up by tapping on her cheek.

"Aw coconuts! That's not how it's supposed to go." Cubby exclaimed, worried. As he bent down and to pick his broken yo-yo up. He also got on his knees on the other side of Izzy.

"C'mon Izz, wake up." I whispered, as I stroked her cheek. I knew shaking her awake wasn't going to help. All of a sudden, her eyes started to open as she groaned while waking up. I was relieved. So were Cubby and Skully.

"Ugh...what happened?" Izzy asked us, while groaning and trying to sit up too quickly.

"Izz, take it easy. You just fainted." I exclaimed, while she looked at me confused like she didn't know who I was.

"Who's Izz?" She asked me while me, Cubby, and Skully exchanged worried glances to each other. Please tell me she doesn't have amnesia, please tell me she doesn't have amnesia and she's still the same Izzy we know.

"Well that's just my nickname for you but your actual name is Izzy. Does that ring a bell?" I asked her, with my hopes high. Please tell me that she remembers.

"No, I don't know anyone called Izzy. I don't even remember my own name." Izzy exclaimed while she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Well your name is Izzy. Do you remember us?" I asked her "Or do you at least remember me?" I whispered into her ear. She looked at me and studied my face hard, and then she looked at Cubby and Skully. She took much longer to look at me than Cubby and Skully.

"No, I'm sorry but I feel like I should. What...ow!" Izzy exclaimed while we put our heads down in sadness, how could she forget about us?? Especially me?? All her memories of me and her are wiped away and the only person that can remember those memories is me at the moment. I felt like I was going to cry. We all lifted our heads up to look at her when she winced in pain, and she had her hand on her head where the yo-yo hit her head.

"What's wrong??" I asked her, worried.

"My head hurts really bad. And I think I can see...stars...but it isn't night time." Izzy exclaimed. Oh no I think she's suffered a concussion. Great she's got amnesia and a concussion. Just yesterday, she was having a bad day and yet it still continues.

"Let's take her into the hideout. She can rest there." Cubby exclaimed while I agreed with him. Me and Cubby both lent our hands out, to help her up. She gradually accepts both of our hands. We pulled her up and helped her walk to the hideout. We sat her down on her bed while she puts her hand on her head. I'm guessing the headache is getting much stronger. Cubby and Skully went to get her pain relief tablets and water. And also an ice pact. I sat down next to her, on her bed and I put my hand on her back, she immediatly jumped. I didn't mean to scare her.

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