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January 1540

Henry VIII married Anne of Cleaves in January 1540. While Anna was not the most beautiful of women she was indeed attractive enough. Upon meeting her stepchildren, she became slight friends with Mary. As for Elizabeth and Edward they were not allowed at court that often because they were so young. Elizabeth at only 6 years old and Edward at only 2 years old.

February 1540

Anna and Henry came to a decision on their marriage. They agreed once Anna is pregnant, Henry could do what he wanted.

May 1540

Anna was pregnant. Deciding to tell her younger stepchildren a few days later, she set off to Hatfield. Upon arriving Edward and his governess and nurses greeted her. She asked where Elizabeth was. Lady Bryan didn't know. Anna finally found Elizabeth and realized why Elizabeth was so distant, that day May 19th was the anniversary of her mother's death.

( I know that's not a relevant thing to add in the story but I just thought Elizabeth should be allowed to grieve her innocent mother)

November 1540

Anna gave birth to a son, They named him a Prince William after Anna's brother the Duke of Cleaves.

December 1540

Anna convinced the king in July to make his daughters princesses again because of "good faith". He refused to make Elizabeth a princess again but he made Mary a princess again. By August Mary was betrothed to Henri of France. His Marriage to Catherine de Medici was annulled. By December Mary left to marry Henri. One day she would be the Queen of France.

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