Mal and Uma's Argument

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Mal was calling Ben's name, because she was worried if he was alright after Audrey casted the spell. Then Uma has something to say. "So Mal, now that I have been hearing you call Ben's name for over a minute, A question popped into my mind". Everyone was scared how this would end up and what it would cause so they all backed up and Evie said "Oh No". Then Uma continued her statement with saying " How has our Ben been doing"? Everyone already felt the tension and backed up every more. Mal slowly looks Uma's way to see a smirk on the pirates face. Mal then slowly says " Wait... what do you mean by OUR Ben"? Evie slammed her palm onto her face and said "Oh No, here we go again". With that Uma answers Mal's question and says "You know, we both won Ben over". Mal then asks "And how is that"? Uma looked shocked and said "We both spelled him, and he clearly likes both of us". After hearing that Mal brings up her fists and acts like she was about to fight Uma, but she is hesitant. Evie says "Mal....". Uma was shocked by Mal's reaction and said " Whoa, easy girl, it's not my fault that your boyfriend is easy to spell". Mal was once again angry at Uma's statement but she didn't do anything. Evie says "I wish Ben was here". Noticing what Evie said Uma asked "Why does Ben even need to be here"? Evie replies with, "Ben keeps Mal calm". Uma then looks at Mal, then she says "Aw look who can't be without her Ben for 2 hours" in a baby voice. Mal got a mad expression on her face but instead on taking it out on Uma, she turned to Evie and said "Evie... can you tell this PIRATE to stop saying things that I don't approve of, before I get REALLY mad. Uma then got a shocked expression in her face and said "Wow PRINCESS... I knew you needed a lot of help for some of the simplest things, but the fact that you need help talking is just... SAD". Uma put a huge smirk on her face. Mal got the angriest expression and yelled "That's it", and she starts to turn into a dragon, but a Evie was able to help her calm down.

Then the 2 groups continue in the scene of D3 when they are looking for a Ben in the hallway before they sing Night Falls"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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