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"Aren't there rules to high school? Or is that just in the movies?" Fredric floated silently beside me as I made my way to my locker. Show off.
"There are rules yes, but not like in the movies." I mumbled quietly.

Let me explain something before the questions start rolling in. First, my names Daniel, and I can see ghosts. It was scary when I was younger and sometimes if a person died in a gruesome way, it's a startling introduction. Second, my moms a Medium and I can't remember my Dad, he died in a car accident. And no he doesn't haunt our house, he passed on to the other side, with a loving family and fulfillment.

Third,living with my mom isn't exactly normal, but at least she believes me and understands "The Gift" as she calls it.
For example, there's Fredric, or Freddy, who's my best friend and is also a ghost. He died of a heart attack, at least that's what he called it. He was sixteen, and the doctor had told him he had a weak heart along with a few other medical issues. But I guess in the 1940's they didn't have the technology to do much for him.

So now he lives in my house with me and follows me everywhere, floating cuz he can. He can walk too but he likes the view, also he likes showing off.

Any more questions, call my people and well do lunch.

"But you don't follow the rules." Freddie said smirking at his statement.
"No, I prefer to stay out of the stupidity. High school is only four years of our lives. Once you're free of that, then the bad things that happened here, aren't as important as these people want you to believe." I opened my locker and pulled books out for the first couple periods.

"Is that why I'm your best friend?" Freddie looked at me with his big eyes like a little kid.
He was such a pure soul, sometimes I forget he was only a teenager with how mature he acted.
"Yes, that is why you're my best friend." I replied.

A big smile spread across his not quite transparent face.
"Thanks Dan." He tried to lean against the locker but ended up floating halfway through it, which of course made me laugh.
Trying to stifle the snort coming out of me, I noticed that one of the popular jocks attention was focused on me and for some reason he seemed to hate me.

"What the hell are you laughing at freak!?"

I didn't reply and tried to duck through the crowd, but he followed me and pushed me head fist into the row of lockers.

"Anderson!" A teacher yelled at him and he wandered off.

Well that's gonna leave some kind of mark on my face to explain to my mother. Just one more year, then I can go to collage, or work a job where I can travel, or just be around people that aren't immature pricks.

"Hey Dan, are you okay?" Freddie asked concerned while looking at my forehead. I nodded and rubbed my head with both my hands and inwardly groaned. The head ache was already starting.

"Want me to trip him? Maybe while he's walking down some stairs?" Freddie looked upset, and if he got too upset then he'd turn into a poltergeist, and I didn't want that to happen. Ever.

"No, don't worry about it. Let's go home, I'll be fine. I just need an ice pack." I said quietly.

I'd go through all the bullshit, so he could stay the same person that he was. Then maybe he could find the thing he needs to pass on.

"Okay, but I want you to tell your Mom about this or I will." Freddie always told Mom about the stuff that happened at school. which I really didn't mind, he just worried about me like a brother would.

"Alright, I will." I reassured him.

"Good." He put his feet on the ground and walked next to me to my car. He wanted me to feel as though he was really there. He did that when I had a bad day.

Once home I threw my back pack onto the couch and made my way to the kitchen where I heard my Mom milling around, probably making me something to eat. She always did that after school, making sure I had everything I needed. She was like that, very much a nurturer.

"I'm home Mom." I spoke to her not wanting to scare her as I walked into the kitchen.

"Good you're home. I need to talk to you about something I found in the attic, I think it might be Freddie's." She spoke softly and smoothly, like she was leaf in the wind.

"Was it my book?" Freddie asked her appearing next to me. He missed his family, and even though we had become attached he longed to be with them again. Almost as if they were calling for him to join them on the other side.

"No sweetie, I haven't found that yet, but I did find a blanket with your name stitched into it." He placed a plate of crackers with Colby Jack crackers on them.

"It might have been the blanket that my Mother made for me." Freddie said coming closer to my Mom.

"It does look to be hand stitched. It really is a lovely blanket." Mom liked Freddie just as much as I did, and for the past year we've been looking all over the house for any of his possessions .
My mother pulled the blanket out and spread it on the dinning room table and Freddie hovered over it to look closer.

"Yes, this is my blanket! I can't believe you found it! I thought it was lost forever." He hovered his hand over it and smiled slightly.
"I'm glad I could find something for you dear, I really hope it helps." Mom gently touched his shoulder. She was worried about him, and I didn't blame her. He was my best friend, I just wanted him to be happy.

"Thank you. Both of you. So much." He drifted from the table and was still looking off into a far memory that was all his own.
He did that every once and a while, like he was remembering something about his life.

"Do you want me to check the attics? Maybe I could find something?" I asked my Mom.
"No, we need to find out which room was his, then maybe we can find the hiding spot that he kept his journal in." My Mom was absently watching Freddie drift through the house.
"Journal?" I asked her confused. He always said book, not journal.

"I'm sensing its a journal. A normal book wouldn't be this important, somehow I can see handwriting in it. It's his life in those pages. We just need to find it for him to remember himself again." She was wandering after Freddie now, silently drifting after him to see where he was going.

"And you think its hidden in his room? Why don't we just ask him which room he used to live in?" I was following Mom now, maybe he knew where he was going without thinking about it.

"It might be a case of repression. If the hidden memory is something unpleasant then it needs to come out naturally.

"Alright, so we just keep looking and hope for the best." I mumbled to her and mostly to myself.

I just hope we could help him cross before the school bullies managed to do damage to more then just my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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