before you read

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I know you won't probably read this and go straight to the story, but I'm going to write this anyway. So don't come at me for not warning you. I put this page on the title 'before you read', so, please.

Please note that this book is dark and there will be a lot of violence, cursing and a dash of sexual content.

Just because I wrote a story with violence or someone being forced sexually (I probably won't end up writing that part) doesn't mean I'm supporting it. Abuse is abuse and it is not alright. If you find yourself in that situation, please seek help. Thank you.

This work is being protected by copyright law, so please don't copy it. I don't have the money, energy and time to sue you. If you want to take it as an inspiration, fine. But please credit me and don't pull that 'can I copy your homework? sure but change it' shit.

I got inspired writing this story from  'Twisted Minds' by @UnbrokenLolita . 'Twisted Minds' is a very well written book and it is also a really good book. Please do check her work out. She's really talented.

Just because I got inspired by her work, doesn't mean this story is the same as 'Twisted Minds'. Some of the names would be the same, but it is not the same character. Also, if @UnbrokenLolita is reading this, and you don't approve this, please contact me. Thank you.

English is not my first language, nor I'm that good in it. If there's a mistake, please forgive me and point it out nicely.

That's all.

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