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Teyla could not get the image of her own body laying dead on the floor of the spaceship. Seeing John, Ronon, and even McKay had been distressing; but seeing herself? That was a different kind of hurt. She didn't feel sad for herself. There was no deep sense of existential dread that might have occurred when seeing a parallel version of oneself. Instead, her mind immediately went to her son. After his birth, she had seriously considered leaving her position with the SGA behind. What kind of mother would willingly leave her child? Ultimately, it was the realization that she was protecting Torren through her work that made her stay. 

"You thinking about what we just saw?" Ronon interrupted her thoughts. They were working together to try and find supplies that might get the team through this mess. Being stuck constantly switching between universes. It was exactly the sort of thing she feared all the Ancient's experiments for; they were unpredictable, and rarely lead to a desirable outcome. 

"I am thinking about the version of Teyla I saw. I wonder if she has a son, if there is a Torren in this universe without a mother now." 

"Well," Ronon leaned on his elbows and threw her one of his half smiles she knew all the women of the Atlantis expedition melted for. "What are you going to do? I mean, are you going to try to protect all of the Torrens in all of the universes?" 

Teyla considered Ronon's words. She smiled at him, of course he didn't understand. Ronon was a good man who had lived a hard life. Despite his efforts to come across as harsh and unyielding, she saw him for his true self. Deep down, Ronon loved fiercely and just wanted to be accepted. It was for this reason she had taken him under wing. Sure, John was able to teach him about life in Atlantis and how to be a team member, but Ronon needed more than that. Teyla had made it her mission to provide him with more than just technical training, she wanted to show him the love of family as well. 

"No," She finally responded. "I think I will just worry about the Torren in my universe." 

Satisfied that the conversation was over, Ronon returned to his work. Teyla, however, felt a slight stab of pain in her chest. She had just lied to her friend. The truth was, she worried over the now motherless version of Torren. She would worry over every version in every universe because that's what being a mother meant. A mother's love didn't know space, time, or universes, it was unending. She found herself hoping that, one day, Ronon would understand that kind of love. 


Teyla Emmagan clutched her baby son to her chest and tried to push through the crowd so she could talk to the leader of the Satedans. Her husband, K'nan, would have been the one representing what was left of the Athosians were it not for the fact that he had been taken in the latest culling. She was finally close enough to hear the Satedan leaders talking. 

"What do you mean they are not from our reality?" One of the leaders was angrily talking to a man in a uniform that identified him as a scientist. 

"There was a problem with Ring of the Ancestors, these people came from a different reality. One where Athos has been destroyed." 

"We have to send them back-" 

"Excuse me!" Teyla finally found her voice and shouted at the two men. "I am Teyla Emmagan, leader of the Athosians. I believe any thoughts you are having about my people should go through me." 

The men took in her ragged appearance as well as Torren clutching to her. No doubt they considered her weak. She longed to show them her strength with bantos rods, but now was not the time, and she had nothing to prove to these people. What she needed was a harbor for her own people. The men exchanged a look but still moved aside so that Teyla could join them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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