chap 1

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Hi, I'm Hikaru Kurosawa. I have an unhealthy obsession with video games, if I was a Danganronpa character I'd be the Ultimate Dumbass, and I'm your local resident idiot.

How does one simply forget that they have an entrance exam today?

How am I that person?

God, I'm an insufferable dumbass.

I throw on my black gakuran jacket and leap from the middle of the stairs to the bottom, swinging my bag (which is conveniently right next to the front door) onto my back before flinging the door open and running out, throwing my skateboard on the ground and mounting it as I do.

As I skate down the street towards my destination, I try to comb my deep purple hair with my fingers while maintaining a grip on my sketchbook.

I guess I should describe myself.

So I'm a dude, I'm 15, I have hair kinda like Ayato Kirishima's from Tokyo Ghoul (Ayato is a god, don't @ me) except mine's a slightly lighter shade of purple, and I have pale blue eyes.

For those unfamiliar with the god tier anime called Tokyo Ghoul, (and maybe can't see the reference picture at the top), I'll explain.
My hair is long, straggly and messy, and reaches to my eyes. The fringe really gets in my way while I'm sketching new inventions. My little sister tried to put it in a ponytail once, and I will never be able to live that down ever again.

Physically, I'm what my dad describes as 'a runt'. Easy for him to say, he's easily 6'2. Meanwhile I'm 5'5 and wondering if I was adopted.

I'm sort of a boring in-between. I'm not too thin, but I do look like I've skipped meals often (happens when I get too caught up in an idea). I barely have any muscle mass on my body except for maybe my arms, yet I still struggle to open a can of beans. Go me.

I just realised I'm not wearing my school uniform trousers; I'm wearing soccer shorts.

Oh fucking great. This is perfect.

After some inner monologuing because I'm great at breaking the fourth wall, I finally reached the gates of the prestigious and most renowned school in Japan (bar Shiketsu High, my dad's alma mater). There were lots of other students entering too, and I had to suppress a laugh as a freaked-out broccoli haired kid nearly fell over.

I enter the auditorium in the Support Course building, and slide into the seat next to my best friend, Mei Hatsume.
There's no doubt she'll get in. Mei is a psychotic genius and basically my other half at this point. Where there's one of us, the other will be passed out from inventing something for too long. I think that's how the saying goes anyway.

'You're late.'

Mei didn't even look up from her notepad that she was doodling on as I sat down next to her, sketchbook tucked under my arm.

'Shush, I feel awful today.'
'It's just nerves, grow up Hika.'

I scoffed before turning to face her.

'I feel like Shuichi after the first class trial. That's bad, Mei.'

Mei finally looked at me, and I noticed the black circles under her eyes.

Ayy, twinsies.

'Well isn't that sad. Do you think the judges will like my babies?'

If I had water and didn't know Mei, I would've done a spit-take. Luckily, some poor soul had both of these things and was seated on the other side of Mei, so he got to do the spit-take.

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