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     As a kid, I was told by my mom to write and so I used to write horror stories and I loved writing them. Little did I know my life was the real horror story. Its funny though, how people can base you off one thing. If you committed a murder, you would always be a killer in their eyes all your life. They never really care about the backstory. They don't care about the stress, pressure, and threats that led up to the event. They will always bring it up and put you down, but they don't know the truth. Then again that's how society is, they never really understand you. Sharing what you been through is also tough because of the fear of being judged. Being a teen is hard, no matter what there's always a lot going through their mind, grades, homework, home issues, getting bullied or judged at school, friendship drama, remembering memories, how to handle a hard situations alone, overthinking, paranoia, peer pressure, expectations from everyone, and being insecure. However we all have our ways of dealing with it. We all go through a few traumatic things that change us and that no one really knows about because its hard to talk about. Those things are going to stay with us throughout our lives and we will always remember the pain in that moment.

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