Rules and Form

274 7 109

1) No Mary or Gary Sue's
Yeah no. Nobody can be perfect. These are teenagers, they have issues and flaws.

2) I play your crush you play mine
Simple. If you don't want to play my crush then don't roleplay and please when you do please try your best to play them as who they are. Don't completely make someone like Tsukishima all happy and outgoing just because you don't like his personality. Just no.

3) The 1st password is to tag two people who would like this.
Don't say you don't have anyone to tag. If you're following people you have someone to tag.

4) Second password is Stingyshima
Tsukki is best boi and no one can tell me otherwise.

5) You can cuss but censor a letter
For example: fūck šhit @sshole bïtch

6) 3 sentences minimum, no one or two liners
This gets so annoying cause it just gets boring.

7) If I don't answer tag me after 2 hours.
Due to quarantine, writing, and online school life is hectic and I'm not as active as I want to be. If you tag me or spam I will give you one warning

9) 3 strikes and your out
If you break any of these rules I will give you one warning. After 3 I will delete your comment.

I live for angst so it always welcome

11) You must roleplay first
I want to get an understanding of how you roleplay so I can match.

12) roleplaying ships is okay
I am totally open to role playing ships as long as they aren't pedophilia or incest


[Best friends]
[School] *does not have to be Karasuno
[Sport] *optional, you do not have to have a sport
[Position] *only answer if you have an answer for the sport,

Haikyuu Roleplay OPENWhere stories live. Discover now