Chapter 1

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"Alright, Sans, while you're lame for choosing that, I have a question.  If you could do anything, what would it be?"

It was a late night in UnderFell and everyone was at Grillby's.  Everyone was pretty much hammered.  They had recently gotten the sixth soul and were celebrating.  The only sober ones were Grillby and Edge, and Grillby was only still open for the money.  Everyone had shoved the tables and such out of the way so a large circle could sit on the floor and play truth or dare.  Undyne had chosen Red and Red had, for the first time that night after 5 previous rounds of dare, chosen truth, only to see what would happen.

"What would I do?  That's pretty easy: I'd marry the love of my life."

Everyone around him "Ooo"'d.  The idea of Red liking someone wasn't one that came up very often.  But the fact that he'd marry them was even more exciting.  They'd probably be asking him who his love was.  Undyne quieted them.

"Alright, Sans.  Your turn to choose someone."

Red nodded and chose the next person.


Blue was in the kitchen with Alphys during their cooking lesson.  He was trying not to get distracted but he also was wondering what Red was doing.  Alphys seemed to notice.

"Is something wrong, bud?"

He shook his head and continued, "No.  I just have this feeling."

"And what would that feeling be?"

"That another human's going to fall soon and I can't wait!"

"You keep up that attitude and use that excitement on these tacos.  They won't cook themselves, after all!"

Blue nodded and continued, "Yes, ma'am!"

Carrot was sitting on the couch, listening to them.  He knew that Blue was thinking about Red.  He knew that they loved each other but UnderFell was such a horrible place.  Who knew what Red was truly like or if he was just trying to get Blue to like him, only to hurt him later.  He didn't want that to happen, not to his little brother.  But, if he didn't let Blue at least try, how would he learn what the world was really like?  He tried to talk with Edge but had been turned down, Edge having claimed he didn't have time for 'Weedbag Trash', even if it was about his brother.

He paused his thinking went he heard Blue yell, "Papy, the tacos are done!"

Carrot stood, going to try the tacos and help Blue with his cooking.

I Wish I Could(Finding Love III.V: CherryBerry)Where stories live. Discover now