Things out of the ordinary

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                        Midtown high
Mr.Dell:Mr. Kennedy what is the solution to the problem?
Narrator:This isn't Peter Parker true believers,this is Alex Kennedy,he's just an ordinary kid but soon something magical will happen.
Alex:Oh come on guys,Peter is so popular because he's Spider-Man.
Peter:Alex,I'm so sorry about your parents.
Alex:It's okay Peter,if it wasn't for you, my siblings would have to look after Kevin.
Peter:How about we go to your place?
All:Oh yeah a hangout!
                      Alex's place
Peter:Your grandma is so nice and your grandfather reminds me of Uncle Ben.
Alex:So how's your superhero career.
Peter:It's going great,I'm saving lives and catching criminals.
Flash:You also tell great Spider-Man stories.
Ned:That's what happens when you have a superhero as your best friend.
The boys hear a noise from the closet.
Peter:Did anyone hear that?
Ned:That wasn't a coincidence.
The boys get ready to defend themselves as Peter arms his webshooters and the others grab a bat.
Peter:If anyone is there show yourself!
???:You don't need to worry we're coming out.
Peter and his pals see two figures in cloaks.
Ned:Do you have the suit?
Alex:We don't have anything good!
Mimic:We're not here to rob you!
Peter:Then why are you here?
Mimic:My name is Mimic and this is my niece Shantae,your city is in danger.
Peter:Uh dude, I've been protecting this city.
Alex:What's going on?!
Mimic:Shantae will explain the rest well I have an expedition in about a few hours.
Peter:Wait Alex,do you recognize this?
Alex:No I don't.
Flash:We have questions that need answered.
Mimic:Ask away.
Peter:First, where did you come from?
Ned:Two,why are you here?
Flash:3 when did you get here?
Mimic:We came from Sequin land.
Peter:Sequin Land? That's near Egypt!
Shantae:2, There's a great evil coming.
Peter:Not Thanos!
Ned:Evil alien with a shiny glove.
Peter:Is she going to be okay?
Mimic:She'll be fine.Just keep her out of trouble.
Alex:Peter? What will we do?
Peter:I'll track down this "evil"and give him a good beating.
Shantae:Where's Mimic?
Alex:He just left.
Shantae:I need to go with him.
Peter:You need to rest. Besides there are dangerous people out there.
Shantae:Cut the crap,I'm going whether you like it or not.*storms out the door.*
Peter presses a button on his watch.
Alex:Peter be careful,knowing Shantae,she's a half genie and one of the strongest magic users in the world.
Peter:How do you know that?
Alex:I did research on Sequin Land.
Ned:How are you going to get after her?
All:What are you doing?
Peter:Evening the odds.
Music:Batman:Arkham Knight evening the odds.

Peter dons the Iron Spider suit.

Spider-Man:Great,I better hurry before Shantae gets herself in trouble

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Spider-Man:Great,I better hurry before Shantae gets herself in trouble.
Note:Alex Kennedy is an oc of mine and a good friend of Spider-Man in this story. Next chapter:Thrill of the hunt.

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