Social Distancing

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We are in tough times right now and I figured after a month of struggling with my own mental health that I will do a mental health journal for this time while we are social distancing. For this I am going to ask you what are you doing while social distancing, self-isolation, and self quarantine. How are your routines changed and what are you doing to keep busy while we are stuck at home. Please comment your answers below. I would like to read them. 

At the beginning of the social distancing in March I got a new boyfriend. His name is Arturo and I knew him since I was in 2nd grade and he was in 1st grade so he is younger then me. He had turned 21 at the end of January this year and I am turning 24 this October. I haven't seen him since I was in 6th grade except a couple of times when I brought him to Safe Homes when I came back home for the summer from Salem State. He's Ecuadorian so he had went back to Ecuador for the summer so after that we didn't see each other. Then one day in March he started messaging out of the blue. I didn't expect it. I was still recovering from everything that had happen with Josh. Arturo asked if we could hang out since he was going on spring break. My spring break was a week after his so we couldn't hang out during the school week. We decided to hang out that Saturday and had a good time. We did talk about us dating but I told him I want us to be friends for now since we have just reunited and everything that had just happen a month ago. He had also asked when we were at That's Entertainment if I would like to see a movie with him tomorrow night.We agreed on Birds of Pray and went to see it that next day. He kept calling it a date but I kept correctly him that it's not a date. Because he live closed to QCC we did spend time together a few times that week after my classes. 

Then a week after was my spring break. Arturo was still home because that was when his school had already closed. That was also when they started to say we have to be 6 feet apart. I didn't want this to ruin my spring break so I had him to pick me up that Monday and we hung out at his place watching "5 feet apart" with Cole Sprouse. At some point during the movie we couldn't help ourselves and we kissed. So now we are together even though I want us to be official after when this is over. After the movie he brought me in his room and we started making out. Then we went to his doctor appointment and after that he drove me back home. He came over again that Saturday and we spend the time in my room watching a movie. 

After that day was when I started to stay home except for when I go grocery shopping with my parents. I been facetiming Arturo almost every day. I also been going on zoom for the Kiva groups and I went on zoom for Interversity. I took the opportunity to go back to Interversity. I hope I'll be able to go on again. 2 of my classes have been meeting ones a week on Wednesdays via virtual classroom. Safe Homes and PFLAG are doing zoom too. I went to the first Safe Homes zoom meeting and will do that again as well as PFLAG. I have also had a virtual info session with Fitchburg State. Thinking about going there for my masters. I missed yesterdays info session for the Online History masters degree because I was confused on the time. Hopefully they will email me the power point on what they talked about. Don't hate me though but I do plan on breaking social distancing on May 18th whether it ends or not to see Arturo. It's just the two of us and we will just be at his place. But other then that I have taking this seriously. 

Being in self-isolation I am at home with my parents so I am not completely alone. I feel bad for my friend Virginia because she lives all alone in a studio apartment. Because I been isolated I been having days feeling depress and lonely. I love my parents but I really miss spending time with friends and I haven't had my first date with my boyfriend yet. On the bright side with my mom not going to work we have been able to watch all the movies and shows we needed to get through and already on season 10 of the Big Bang Theory. I been waking up early so I can do home work early. I go on zoom for Kiva when I am able to so I don't feel so isolating. I been watching a lot of Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, and Prime. I been written a lot on here and I started going on discord. I wish Josh will talk to me so that way it would help with the isolation too. I'm done with him. He will talk to me whenever he decides he is ready to talk to me. It's a new month. April was Josh's birth month. He just had his birthday on the 27th so that's why that month been really difficult. I'm glad Ashley told him happy birthday for me and he is sorry for my grandfather. My grandfather had recently passed away because of the virus and we had a small funeral with only less then 10 people. We will have a memorial service when this is over and we are allowed to have large gatherings again. Josh also said he hope he will talk to me soon. I don't know what "soon" means to him. Maybe when he's done with his classes? I don't know but I am done waiting. 

I started to go into self-quarantine after my spring break and been in quarantine ever since. Like I said I do plan on seeing Arturo on May 18th and I was thinking maybe to see each other physically ones a month until this whole thing is over so I can let my feelings for him grow. I can't say I am in love with him at this point because we just started and really only spent 2 weeks together. Only 1 week actually as a couple. It's different then with Josh. Because I had spent so much time with him before I told him how I feel my feelings for him grow so fast and I fall in love with him. I don't know if I could actually fall in love with Arturo but I would like to find out. If February had never happen and me and Josh were still talking I would have told him not to try to come out here anymore because of what is going on. But because February did happen I didn't have a chance to tell him that. I decided whenever he talk to me again that I will tell him I am not going to plan on him coming out here to see me anymore unless he really wants to. If he decide he wants to come out here then he'll have to let me know a week in advance so we can plan everything out. I'll tell him that we will see each other again and hang out but only when I am able to come out to Salem. I'll let him know when I plan on going out there and it will be his choice on whether or not to meet up with me, Arturo, Rachel, and Ashley. That's just how I feel. 

I hope everything is going ok with your social distancing!

Stay strong everyone we will get through this.          

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