'Cause You're my Iron Man

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This ship was requested by SlytherinQueen36
(I'm sorry I couldn't tag u bc my wattpad kept on crashing whenever I tried to gomen)
P.S. a lot of time skips so it actually fits the song
P.P.S. Iwaizumi Hajime is taller than Kageyama Tobio in this bc it makes it cuter now sh

- Kageyama's POV -

Baby take my hand

We walked through the park, a comfortable silence settling over us as our hands slowly intertwined.

I want you to be my husband

I was lost in thought, thinking about our future. It wasn't guaranteed we'd be together forever, we were still in college after all. But if we got through it all, I hope we get married so I can call you my husband, Hajime.

'Cause you're my Iron Man and I love you 3000

You really got me interested in the whole Marvel Avengers franchise, and the more I think about it, you remind me of Iron Man, my Iron Man, there to rescue me, and I love you 3000 for that.

Baby take a chance 'cause I want this to be something straight out of a Hollywood movie

I know life isn't a cliche, but maybe, just maybe, if we get through all of this, it'll be like those Hollywood Movie cliches where we always end up together with a happily ever after. I'm willing to take the chance, even if it is a bit unrealistic. I may not be the brightest, but I know that much is true.

- time skip -

I see you standing there, in your hulk outerwear

It had been a month since I last saw him. We got so caught up in college that we didn't get to meet up for a month, just small text messages, short phone calls, and we only video called once. It felt nice to see him again, relieving actually, wearing the bright green Hulk hoodie we bought as a joke when I told him his muscles were the size of the Hulk's after one of our dates.

And all I can think is,"Where is the ring?"

As I ran up to him I practically jumped him, swinging around in circles as he spun me around in his arms, holding me up high. As he did that, I was wondering,"why wont he propose yet?"

'Cause I know you wanna ask, scared the moment will pass

I looked him straight in the eye, and he seemed noticably more anxious, nervous about something. He wants to ask.

I can see it in your eyes, just take me by surprise

I know that look in his eyes, so I just rest my head in the crook of his neck. He may be too scared to ask me now, but that's okay. I'll wait. I want the proposal to be a surprise, so I'll wait.

- several hours later -

Hajime and I met up for our short date, and I ended up visiting Oikawa-san in his dorm. Turns out Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Yachi, and Sugawara are there too. Turns out they were having a sleepover, but they let me crash. I talked about how great Hajime is.

And all my friends they tell me they see you're planning to get on one knee

"Tobio-chan, Iwa-chan is totally gonna propose to you soon, I swear I saw him looking up engagement rings just yesterday right after class!" Oikawa exclaimed, with the others nodding in agreement.

"Iwaizumi was also asking me if I could help him look at different blue gems, especially ones that matched the color of your eyes," Sugawara stated.

I Love You 3000 - IwaKageWhere stories live. Discover now