Background information🤭

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Hi my name is y/n Richards, yes i am josh richards sister most of his mates dont know who i am since he never told them he had a sister just to "keep me safe"🙄. He doesnt want his mates to Find out who i am since i have been to juvie like many many times i always get in trouble but josh on the other hand he is what you would call a "good boy" in the family and also the favourite child. He recently moved to LA to live with his fuck boy gang called sway la. But dont get me wrong josh is a good brother we call and text everyday to check if i was ok its just that he didnt want his "friends" knowing about me. I have been in jail more times than you could count on your fingers. I mostly get arrested for graffiti and fighting people. It wasnt that i didnt have a good child hood or owt its just the way i chose to live but on the other hand my brother decided to hump the air and bite his lips and ye eww. He post videos of him doing that on this app called TikTok. I like skateboarding,dancing and singing not many people know I do that so ye I hope it actually stays that way😊.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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