**Sneak Peak**

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A/N Hey everyone! Soo this is my new story called 'Summer Love' of course and is inspired by the song 'Summer Love' (derp) from the new album Take Me Home by the lovely band of One Direction. This will only be a preview for the whole story so don't expect an update until next year sometime.

Okay so this will be my vent part of the thing, TAKE ME HOME IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I can't express in words about how perfect it is, how perfect it is, how much it resembles pure heaven, and how much it has made me cry, like seriously, I hardly ever cry but I cried while listening to it. My favorite songs from the album have to be 'Over Again' and 'Rock Me' so watch out for some stories titled exactly that ;) 

OH! And sorry for not updating any of my other stories, busy, busy, busy time for me at the moment.

Right and a bit more venting before I explain the story. Is anyone who is reading this Australian? If not, you can keep reading but... there are fires near one of our properties that my family owns where my aunt with her unborn child, uncle, grandfather, father and our many animals are currently at. So yeah, then I have assignments, my Grade 4 Trumpet Exam which I haven't studied for, so everything is just crashing down around me. Again.

The worst thing is? My 'friends' don't seem to care one bit. 

But moving on... 

So this is Summer Love and is anyone copyrights it, I will personally shoot them with my gun (sorry for being so harsh but, as you can tell, I'm not in the greatest mood that the moment). Enjoy the sneak peak lovelies! 

Lucy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now we know it’s nearly over

Feels like snow in September

But I always will remember

You were my summer love

I run, fast as I can through all the pouring rain throwing its freezing cold droplets at my crying face. I am runner. And I can always outrun him, no matter what the head start was, no matter the distance, no matter how much I loved him. A choked sob rips out of my raw throat before I can contain it, making my gazelle like pace falter for a second.

Run away from him.

But you were in love during the summer of your life. You were in love with a heart breaker. You were in love with fire. So, shame on you. Shame on you for being stubborn and refusing to run far, far, far away from him the first time you saw him.

It’s your fault.

My tired feet slap against the wet, hard cement, its relentless rhythm dragging me from my crushing thoughts and back into my painful reality. Come on, you’re an Olympic runner, the ‘Golden Girl’ for England, you’re stronger than this.

But none of my extensive training prepared me for a broken heart. 

I repeat the only things that make sense, as if trying to keep my dwindling sanity from slipping through trembling fingers. 

I am Emily Richter.

I am nineteen years old.

I am a runner.

Zayn Malik is the one who captured my heart and broke it, all in one season.

He was my summer love that I loved too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2012 ⏰

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