The Open Sea

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Brandon felt the swell of the decks beneath his feet as the sea lurched around the ship. Closing his eyes and inhaling, he smelled the brine of the waves and felt the fine mist of sea spray on his face. All good pirates loved the feeling of sailing the open sea, and Brandon was no exception. The rise and fall of the waves brought him a feeling of freedom and excitement that he had never found anywhere else. Brandon exhaled slowly and opened his eyes, forcing himself to focus on the ship and the people around him. His gaze landed immediately on the man walking toward him, Eddie. Brandon sighed inwardly before raising his voice to carry over the crashing of the waves around them. "Eddie, my boy, I swear you get shorter every time I see you." Brandon was not a tall man himself, thanks to his mother's genes, and Eddie was the only person on the whole crew who was shorter him. Naturally, Brandon never let Eddie forget it. Eddie tried to disguise his height by wearing taller hats, it only sort of worked. Brandon liked Eddie for his optimism and light, care-free attitude. They'd stuck together as long as they'd been working the same ship and they (almost) never fought. 

Eddie exhaled dramatically before replying, "Enjoy your superiority while you can, old man, I'll make sure to remember that when you're old and crabby." Brandon, despite being only 26, a few years older than Eddie, had heard this joke many times. His hair had developed flecks of gray that hadn't been there when he'd joined the crew, a fact which Eddie had been delighted to point out. Eddie continued, "Don't think I didn't notice you standing in the middle of the deck like an old man who needs help to remember where he left his pants."

"Eddie, you are a real piece of work, you know that?" Brandon laughed. "Here I was thinking you'd never show up and I'd have to eat without you. Though, I suppose I should have known you'd turn up. I doubt you've ever missed a meal in your life." Brandon had to hide his smile when he saw Eddie's scowl. Eddie was notorious for eating all the food the cook would let him get his hands on. "Come on Eddie, we should eat, I know you must be starving." Eddie's scowl deepened, and this time Brandon couldn't hide his amusement. 

"Oh, wipe that stupid grin off your face, Brandon," Eddie exclaimed as he began to stomp off to the area below deck where the crew ate their meals. Brandon, still smiling, jogged to catch up with Eddie. He knew Eddie wouldn't be mad at him for long, and Brandon still needed to ask Eddie for help with his latest plan.

Brandon blinked for a second as his eyes adjusted to the low light below the deck. Torches lined the walls and Brandon could see many of his crewmates seated at tables with their plates filled with the awful quality food that had become their standard fare. Following behind Eddie, Brandon couldn't help but smile when he saw Tyler preparing two plates of food for them. Everyone on the ship couldn't help but like Tyler, he was the kind of man who was always a solid companion to sit and share a drink with. He could constantly be counted on for a captivating story and a good laugh. "Good to see you Tyler," Eddie said loudly, cutting through the chatter in the hall. "What have you got for us today?"

Tyler looked unusually sad when he responded, "Not much that's special. Just the same old stale biscuits and dry meat. If you're lucky, you might have even gotten a few insects in the beans." The food was just one product of the captain's decision to keep sailing rather than dock the ship and take a few days to rest and restock. The crew was tiring quickly and everyone was feeling the strain of the last week of sailing. Everyone on the ship was close to their breaking point, just trying to push through until they were allowed a short rest in whatever port city they came across next. It certainly didn't help that all they had to look forward to each night was a rotten meal before they had to sleep in their uncomfortable beds.

Eddie took a moment to respond, "I think we're all feeling that a little bit right now, brother," Eddie reached out to pat Tyler on the shoulder as he grinned and continued, "At least everyone here can be sure that the food we get is the very best you can give us." A few pirates at the table near us raised their glasses and echoed the sentiment. Tyler smiled at the praise and held out the plates to the two of us.

"You can always be sure of that, lad. Now go on and enjoy the 'best I can give you.'" Eddie and Brandon jokingly grimaced at the plates of food in their hands before continuing to their empty table. After eating for a few minutes in silence Brandon looked up at Eddie. He steeled his nerves before bringing up the subject that had been on his mind all day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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