Chapter 1 worries

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It all started when I was five my parents decided to get a, divorce and I didn't understand stand what was happening, but 3days later my dad was gone. Where did he go? Was he coming back? He called 3 months later to tell us he had moved to Michigan. He had 5 kids and left them all with my mother. She was a waitress, a five year old girl had to grow up way to fast she had to raise a family so her mom could work. Everyday I would walk In my moms room and ask mommy is daddy back? Mom would always say"no baby" I would go get breakfast ready for the family. At 6 years old I was raped by my bestfriends dad. We were going to the races when he started rubbing my leg in the middle seat of the truck and I would move it that's when he decided to hit me. He yelled "put your leg back and don't move it! I was terrified what to do! I moved it back. That night after the races me and my best friend decided to go to sleep at 3 am I remember waking up to something on top of me. It was him he was on top of me what do I do! He covered my mouth and said" tell anyone I will find you and kill you" so I never told anyone. In 4th grade I started being bullied and fell into a deep depression. I cut for the first time. I actually felt Alvie like a human! Now I am a freshman in high school I am depressed alone and scared.. Why am i scared? The man who raped me was never caught and my dad still hasn't came back.

Then one day walking home like any other day this man pulled up next to me in a white van and 3 big men got out and grabbed me pulling me into the van no matter how loud I kicked or screamed I wasn't getting out. They threw me into the van and put a bag over my head. I heard someone say"now that we have her what do we do?" Another said "we will ask for money and try and sell her for more money." "Good idea one said." I thought to myself why me what have I done to deserve this? The van stopped? What were we doing? They grabbed me and pulled me by my hair into this dark room with 1 window. I was handcuffed to a pipe and didn't know what to do. They told me if I yelled they would kill me. So I stayed quiet I don't want to die this way I have thought, of death so many times but I thought I would be the one to kill myself not a few big men.i started to drift off to sleep..I quickly woke myself up and looked around and there was something shinny in the rumble I tried to get it with my foot . but I couldn't manage to grab it I kept trying to get to and once I did I undid the handcuffs and ran to the window and I was in the middle of the woods.
I had trouble seeing Where I was so I was falling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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