Focal Point

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Who is your focal point? Often and with the best intensions, people say that when you make a decision to do exploits for God, the devil paints a target on your back. There can be such an emphasis on the Satan that people lose sight of the power of God and the truth of the Gospel. It is easy to get lost in the idea that we should be confronting the devil while losing sight of the True Mission that lays before every believer: make disciples of nations. Jesus said, “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20, KJV). Who has more power and authority, Jesus or the enemy? Our focus should be on Jesus, and not Satan.

Without realizing it, some believers give far too much attention to the enemy of our souls. They feel that unless he knows their name, they are not doing anything for God. Whose Name are we supposed to lift up, Jesus or ours? Jesus said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33,KJV). He also said that the servant is not above the Master, if the world hates you, it is because it hated Him first (see John 15:18-25). We do not have to try to get the devil’s attention nor seek to be hated by the world. The enemy seeks to attack Jesus, not us. Jesus is the Focal Point; therefore, he comes against Jesus by coming against His Church. The devil is more concerned about the Name of Jesus than our names. He knows who the believers are because they are in Christ Jesus, and not because of our works. If we are His, His works will manifest through us and He will get all the glory (see Ephesians 2:10).

We do not have to seek persecution; it will find us. Some say or do things to bring it on themselves in order to be validated. They are looking for proof that they belong to Jesus and their works are good. There is a big difference between being persecuted for righteousness’ sake and asking for it. Even jerks have detractors. That does not make them disciples of Christ. If your words are not spoken in truth and love, people may very well reject you. They may come against you; but it is not because of righteousness’ sake. It is because you are being a jerk, dressed up in religious clothing. Jesus said they would know us by our love for one another (see John 13:35).

By overemphasizing the devil, it would be easy to become timid in relation to serving the Lord. People teach fear to others by “warning” them about attacks from the devil because of doing things for God. Secondly, it detracts from worshipping God. How often have you heard others say, “Well the devil is attacking me?” Before you know it, it’s “the devil this” or “the devil that.”   Where is God in all of this? They just gave the devil the attention he craves. In Christ Jesus, we have power and authority over him. The Lord stripped Satan of his authority; therefore, any power he has in your life is what you give him. If you walk in the Light, darkness has to flee. James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (KJV).   In this verse, who does the fleeing? If you are in the palm of God’s hand, what is the devil doing there?

Final question, where in Scripture do we find Jesus or any of the Apostles speak to Satan, while they prayed to the Father. If Jesus did not stop and yell at the devil while talking with the Father, why then, would we? We do not shout at the darkness when we walk into a dark room; we turn the light on. The way we come against the enemy is by praying for someone. We speak words of Light, and the forces of darkness will vacate the area. All darkness is, is the absence of Light. Walk in the Light as Jesus is Light, and darkness will have no place in your life.

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