Chapter 1: The Mission

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"Jean!" My name continued to be shouted over, and over.

"Jean, wake up!"
"Damn, he's not breathing..."
"How'd this happen?!"
"Kirschstein!!! C'mon, breath!!!"

What...what was happening? I can only see black... Black and aching darkness...I remember I had lost control of my gear, and then my gas tank ran out. I had fallen at least 8 feet from where I stood on the edge of the building. We were doing a mission outside the walls of Rose, and I had run off to go help Armin and Mikasa. Jaeger continued to yell at me to stay put, but I ignored him.

I was swinging through the air, the wind in my face bitterly pecking at my clothes. I'd heard Armin scream, and I was soon off aborting my squad.

But I had slipped on the edge of a building missing the landing. I soon was falling, and I remember a cracking noise coming from my leg. No pain, just cracking.

Falling... I'd thought. I'm falling...what's happening...

Then...the voices of my fellow squad members, crying out to me. I see darkness. Feel no pain. I feel, relaxed...I shouldn't though. I know my body is badly messed up. My bones most likely out of order and broken. I'm struggling to breath. Is this what death feels like? Its nice....oddly. But I'm gladly welcoming it.

"Oi, Cadet!"

Tha-that's Captain's voice...I turn my head slightly trying to open my eyes. It does nothing. They remain close.

"S-sir...I'm sorry...I should've stayed with my group, I should've-"

"Shut the hell up Kirschstein. Relax. They're fine. Both yours and Armin's squad." I feel a soothing, masculine, child's like hand take what I believe what is my right hand.

"Ye-yeah Jean. I'm fine, please don't worry."

I chuckle lightly and turn my head back feeling only a small trickle of blood go down my face. The pain in my body is just now kicking in. I grit my teeth and I feel Armin's hand grasp tighter.

"Jean!" His voice is worried and scared. I take his hand back tightly and smile slightly.

"I'm fine Armin.... Don't worry..."

He sighs, still in worry. He's somewhat relieved, but he believes me. I grit my teeth again as I feel the pain surge through my body again. My hand grasping Armin's tight.

How could I have been so dumb?! To go out by myself? I'm an idiot...

"J-just relax Jean! We'll make you better, I promise!"

I grunted, pain going through my body again. It was almost like a wave, of pain. I grabbed tighter onto Armin's hand.

"Get him up, quickly." I heard captain's voice again ordering just Armin?

"Yes, Sir!"


"Right away!"


Huh? Four voices. Familiar... Sounds like Krista....Sasha...? Connie.....and...and who else?

"Sir, where are we headed exactly?" The voice unknown to me, but all too familiar spoke.

I heard mild footsteps, walking away from me. "Oi, Wall Rose. We need to get him from Titan territory. Now. Do you understand, Jaeger?"

H-had I heard right...? Jaeger. Clear as the sky. He was offering to help me...? I hardly believed it!

"Sir! I promise to get Jean to safety!"

"Good. Hurry though. We haven't gotten all week."

"R-right!" I heard them say finally before Levi's footsteps going off elsewhere. I managed one eye open and soon saw my spectaltions were right. Eren, was hovering over me giving a stupid smirk.

"Hey there, horse-face." The words trailed pissing me off.

"Why you-" I growled, and he gently set his hand on my chest.

"Relax, relax. Don't push yourself, I'm here to help. Just try to sleep, okay?"

I didn't believe that Eren was actually helping me...he hated me. But now..was it because Heichou...? Must have. Or...was there some other reason?

I nodded. "Right. Sleep..." I closed my eye, sighing in relaxation and slight relief.

"Okay, good." He said. "I'll wake you when get to Rose."

"Rose..." I repeated, relaxing my body fully as best as I could through the still surging pain. I cringed, but made my best with it. Soon I felt myself slipping unconscious, most likely sleep. I heard one last thing from Eren before I fell asleep. Something like, "C'mon! Let's move people! We're all heading back, Jean especially!"

Huh. So Jaeger did care. He was an ass, but he cared. I was grateful. Even it Heichou told him to do it, I was still grateful. Thanks Eren. Make sure you let me know when we get there...

I was out, before whispering to myself. Something simple, small, and I guaranteed Jaeger heard.

"Thanks...I appreciate it...Titan-boy."

Then, sleep consumed me. Swallowing me whole, in darkness my mind still, although blossoming in thought. Rose...he'd awaken me when we got there.

Rose...home. I mixed the two up...but they seemed so familiar....and family...the Survey Corps was now my new family. Mom would be proud, maybe.

Rose. Survey Corps. My family. My home. This is what I joined for. This is why I joined the corps. I'm one of them now. Always, until I die.

I am Jean Kirschstein. And I fight for humanity. And my friends. For Marco. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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