Chapter 1

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Clove's p.o.v
It was a day like any other. School. I just hate the word but the only thing that I am looking forward to is seeing my girls:Katniss, Annie Finch(foxface) and Johanna. I have known them since pre school and I am now 15 I am also the youngest out of all of us. But that is enough about me.

In stead of waking up to my annoying alarm clock I woke up to my 18 year old brother who acts like 5. Chris. I love him but he always and I mean always flirts with my friends.

"Get of me you heavy lump" I moan out in pain. "Not until you say the special word Clovie" Chris says adding in my nickname he game me which I hate.
"Please you idiot" my voice stained."Just this time you will get away with it Clovie".
"You need to get up Katniss is picking you up with the girls, oh and take a shower you smell horribly"Says Chris giving a disgusted look."Oh why thank you Chris that has made my day" I say sarcastically.

"Seriously though you should take a shower and get changed" Chris said then walked down stairs out of sight.

I when into the bathroom and took my clothes and got into the warm refreshing shower, I washed my hair with a cinnamon scented shampoo.

When I got out of the shower I put on a bright yellow tank top with some denim shorts and wedges to just make me a little bit taller then what I already am. I also straiten my hair and put on mascara and foundation on. Then go down stairs.

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