Hogwarts- Year 1

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Shianne: OMG I can't believe it I have gotten a letter to Hogwarts school witch craft and wizardry I wonder if my friends and my Best Friends have gotten a letter I am going to call them right now 1st person I am going to call is Lauralye. 

Lauralye: Hi Shianne

Shianne: Hi Lauralye have you gotten a letter to Hogwarts?

Lauralye: yes i have gotten a letter to Hogwarts.

Shianne: OMG so did i we are going to Hogwarts together sorry gtg need to call Elisabeth and Eva bye see u at platform 9¾.

Lauralye: okay bye shi see you at platform 9¾.

Shianne: I am now going call Eva next.

Eva: Oh hi Shianne 

Shianne: Hi Eva i need to ask u a question

Eva: Okay

Shianne: did you get a letter to Hogwarts?

Eva: yes i did what about u

Shianne: i did and Lauralye as well

Eva: cool 

Shianne:  sorry Eva gtg make 1 more phone call.

Eva: okay bye shianne see you at platform 9¾.

Shianne: Bye Eva 

( shianne calling to Elisabeth)

Shianne: Hi Elisabeth

Elisabeth: Hi Shianne what wrong?

Shianne: nothing i need to ask u a question.

Elisabeth: okay

Shianne: did you get a letter to Hogwarts?

Elisabeth: No i didn't oh yes i did i just found my Hogwarts letter  wait did you get a Hogwarts letter. 

Shianne: Yes i did see you at the planform 9¾ Bye.

Elisabeth: Bye

Hogwarts- Year 1Where stories live. Discover now