I remember you

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I remember you.  Acted like you were big boy on campus despite the self-esteem problems.  I remember when you were afraid of what the world thought, always looking for conformation.  Scared you would never fit in.  I remember you, holding on so tightly to your friends out of fear that you'd have no one if they left.  You never thought you were good enough and always dreamed of who you wish you could be.


You made it.  One day it all just clicked.   You learned to be your own man.  You learned to make yourself proud.  It no longer mattered what the world thought.  You found things you were good at and worked until you were good at others.  The self confidence soon followed and so did the people.  You learned that friendships are brief for a reason and you accepted that.  Most importantly,  you taught yourself to judge success not based on the world, but based on your own goals.   

I know you.  I know more about you than you do.  Not because I am special, not because I  have some crazy powers.  I know you because I am you and have been you.  I stood in your boots.  I wrecked a truck and I lost friends.  Through it all I can say one thing,  you're gonna be alright. You're gonna wake up one day and be on the road to who you've always wanted to be.  Just hang in there and hold your head high.

This is the end!  This is something I've always thought about and finally found an opportunity to write.  Let me know what you think!!!!!

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