How it all began

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Once again Olivia is dragging Ellie to a football match. after a painfully long journey and a hour in a queue to get into the stadium they were in, but lost. After trying to locate a drink stand they ended up in a changing room. a dirty smelly changing room facing the Manchester United football team. After a few seconds it hits Ellie who she's looking at, then Olivia hears a massive crash as Ellie faints knocking over a bin as she does! With Olivia panicking she is no help to Ellie until one of the shyer members of United helps Ellie onto a bench while trying to calm Olivia down.

A couple of seconds later Ellie starts to wake up. Feeling groggy Ellie thanks
Adnan and leaves to go and get a drink with another member of the team leaving with her to make sure she doesn't faint again. leaving Olivia alone with the rest of the team. a couple of the smile and leave Olivia stood there but Adnan stays offering her a seat "excuse me miss are you okay? You've gone really pale, please sit down" Olivia handnt realised that her heart was beating that fast she nearly fainted her self. "erm yeah thanks....?" Adnan not realising he handnt introduced him self to the mystery girl just staired at her for a second taking in how she looked she had long brown hair and big brown eyes. He realised this girl was really beautiful. "My names Adnan, sorry what's your name?" "Olivia, thank you by the way for helping Ellie I kinda panicked" he just chuckled shooting her his best smile which made her melt in side. shit she was in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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