school trip

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I woke up to my aunt lauren calling me from the kitchen. My uncle dan already in the car waiting for me.

"Elan, time to wake up. You're going to be late."

"Ugghh,  what time is it .."

"It's seven fourty-five. The school trip is today."


I threw my blankets off of me and jumped out of bed, my clothes were already laid out for me. Fifteen minutes pass and I run down the stairs tripping over my own feet.

"Elan , glasses."

"Thanks aunt Lauren."

I met my uncle dan still waiting for me. I got in the passager seat and clicked on my seatbelt. I stared aimlessly out of the window at the passing neighbourhoods. My school was the generic brick hellhole with boring teachers and cookie cutter children.

"Elan , finally you made it."

"Oh, hey George."

"Dude grab your camera, we're leaving soon."

"Is andrew going?"

"Yeah, of course he is. He is class president after all."

I watched andrew talk to one of the teachers about a future student council meeting. George punched my arm to snap me out of it.

"Wow, you like him!"

"No! Shut up!"

My cheeks and ears burned with embarrassment. Everyone was staring at me, even andrew turned to see what was going on.

"We should get to our lockers."

"You're right."

Everyone piled onto the bus and started talking. I continued watching andrew as he moved his hair away from his eyes.

"E, you're staring."

"What? Oh, sorry."

" are you excited to get to the lab?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see the experiments."

The school bus drove for another hour before pulling into a parking lot. The tall glass and marble building casted a shadow onto us.

"Hey mango, doesn't your dad work here?"

"He owns it, so yeah."

In the massive building the tour guide showed us the experiments. Andrew tapped my shoulder and gestured to a spider showcase.

"Could you get a picture of me for the school paper?"

"Of course, go stand in front of it."

While taking more pictures than needed I overheard someone saying a spidet was missing from it's enclosure. Ignoring it I snapped a few more pictures to back up the other ones just in case they turn out messed up. I felt something crawling on my hand and looked down to see a spider, before I could smack it away I felt it bite me. I threw it off my hand and ran to catch up with the group.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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