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You: Hi I'm y/n I'm 16 and I recently move to New Nersey, Towtowa. I am a girl and I am trying out for The cheer team today for school. I walk out of my house and start walking. These boys come walking behind me. I can hear them discussing how I'm cute and have a nice ass from behind. I keep walking and staring at my phone and someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around. Guy: hi I'm Mattia you are new right? You: yes I am and I'm y/n by the way Mattia: Cool you go to New Jersey high? You: yes mattia: that's cool so do we all can we take you to class? You: yeah Mattia: this is Kairi, Roshaun, Alvaro, and Robert you: hi I'm y/n

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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