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I lover stands before the mirror
As blood spills into the porcelain sink
His heart is shattering, he can't think

He can't stand what's in his vision
He doesn't want to become deceased
Why were cuts made with precision

Behind the shower curtain a child screams
Tears are falling as an endless stream
It's just another piece of the pain

Crippled by everything he can't accept
Their guiding light was stolen from them
The pain still burning their hearts

Every new beginning is another false start
The lovers ears are going deaf
He can't reach out so wishes for death

Hopes are stunted, sad smiles left them gutted
It doesn't seem like there's anything to do
Anyone else could be hurt too

The monster is standing at the door
Eager for the meal laying on the floor
He's being consumed by the darkness believing life will be easier soulless

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