India - A free bird?

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In this free India,
Where do we stand?
Where are those fighters,
who can protect our India from ourselves?
India is a free bird,
Where are those girls
Who can't be out after eight?

Free world, free life,
Where is that pure love in the air?

Are we really free?
Or we just pretend to be free?

In this free India,
Where do we stand?
Where are those lights,
That can hide all the darkness of this free India?

How can our India be free,
When a girl doesn't have a right to take birth on this land?
Where are those corrupt leaders of our country?
Who can eat our land for money?

Yes India is a free bird,
Where boys are free to do anything
Girls are merely housekeeper

Yes, we are free to talk to anybody
Not allowed to love anybody.

How can we be free,
When our mother Land is not safe in our own hands?
Yes, we are free to pollute that same land
Which gave us life

Our soldiers protect our country
Is there any soldier who can protect our land from this never ending pollution?

India is a free bird,
Where we witness domestic violence
Where we witness acid attacks
Where we witness rape attacks
And still are  Silent.

Sorry for the depressing issues laid in the poem...
India is a beautiful country but there are certain issues which need to be put to an end now...

In the next poem, I will write about the best things of India..

Forgive me for bringing all these things for now.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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