Chapter 1

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BEEEEEEPPPPPPPPP! BEEEPPPPPP! I hit my alarm. Always interrputing my sleep, my dreams, no wonder everyone hates those things.

"Annabeth! Are you awake? You are going to be late for your first day of your new school. Dont wan't that to happen, do you? Get dressed and be ready downstairs in 15 minutes. Your brother is taking you to school. You dont want Adan to be upset. He can be VERY annoying." My mom says as she stands in the doorway to my room, mumbling the last sentence.

"Got it mom." I say as I start to laugh. It takes a minute to control myself. "I'm going to get ready. Be downstairs in 10." My mom gives me a thumbs up as she walks out of the doorway of my room. That crazy woman. Sometimes I wonder how I am related to her, but then i look at myself, not much different. Same long, blonde hair, same barbie-like physique. People always call me barbie, yet I've never had as many friends as people would suspect. I'm like an outcast, the person in the back of the class, never really talking to anyone. But this year is probably going to be worse, with me going to my new school partway through the year.

Throwing on some skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, a red flannel, and black combat boots, along with some mascara and winged eyeliner, I grab my bag and head downstairs into the kitchen to grab a granola bar. I would grab a bagel, but I don't have time this morning. Im already going to be the "new girl" I'd rather not be the "new girl who was late on her first day." Being noticed is not my thing.

"ANNABETH! GET YOUR GRUNGE LITTLE BUTT IN HERE!" my brother, Adan, yells from the car.

"I'M COMING! DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A TWIST!" I yell as I head to the car. "Bye mom! Bye Dad!" Jumping in the car, I finally get the time to relax, even if it's only for 5 minutes. Deciding to ignore my brother's talking, I look out the window. Newbrooke, Ohio is a small town. Driving by the hundreds of trees that are on the way, we finally pull into Kennedy High School. It's like any other highschool, nothing out of the ordinary. Finding a parking spot, not surprisingly next the obvious group of "popular girls," I sigh. "Really Adan. My lord is there any other parking spot you could have chosen?"

"What? You cant blame a guy for trying. Its not my fault you aren't social. Here, if it makes you feel better pretend I'm trying to make you more social for your better good," Adan laughs.

"Whatever butthole," I exclaim as I open the door to my brothers van. Grabbing my bag and standing up, the girls hanging out around around the convertible turn towards me.

"OMG is that your natural hair color?" one of the bimbo's says.

"Don't quote mean girls on me, and yes. Also, I dont spend 2 hours on my hair and makeup like you. So why not run along and hang on the arm of your star quater-back football player, don't you?" I say as I start to make my way out of of the parking lot. "You coming, Adan?" I say turning around.

"Um, I'll see you at lunch. S-so ladies," Adan stutters, trying to act cool. Gosh, he is officially insane. Finding my bearings, I walk towards the entrance. When something weird happens.


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story. I REALLY appreciate it. The story is about to get interesting....... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Well ANYWAYS.... please share this with your friends and vote because it only takes a minute. :D <3 ~Confuzzeledpotato

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