Part 1 of random story

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Once upon a day there was this kid named Clover. He was funny at his school and hanged out with his friends also was a great student in classes, but one day he never showed up at school. The school called the parents to see why he was not at school. The parents told the school that he has gone missing. The school was shocked and was worried about clover. Clover was no where to be seen.

Mean while with Clover gone missing and everyone worried. Clover was somewhere strange and had no idea where he was. He noticed he was tied and was wondering why. Then there were these two people named Flare which is in the middle and the other one was Bakagou. Clover was scared but he had seen bakagou but he did not know where. Clover asked why he was here. Flare told him that he was here for a reason and to join there group. Bakagou was kinda upset about it but he also went with it because they did need more people in the group. Clover was unsure if he should join their group. Flare told Clover that they would be going to his school and to keep an eye out if any trouble came along, also to see and wait for Clovers decision to join the group. Clover still was scared and worried on what would happen if he joined their group.

So as they were going to head to where they would be going Clover stopped and asked Flare on how he was going to tell the school and his parents. Flare told him that to just relax and that to tell them that you were on a trip with a few friends. Clover did not know if it would be the right thing to tell them a lie but he had no choice. So Clover and the others went to his house and told his parents and about that they had became friends and went on a trip. Luckily Clovers parents believed him. Clover asked if his friends could stay the night. His parents allowed his friends to stay the night.

The next day Clover and the others went to school and he took them to the office to get registered. Flare asked the office to see if he and Bakagou could have the same classes as Clover. The office agreed to have the same classes. Clover was still worried about the other day but he did not make sure that Flare could see it. The office asked how come he was not at school the other day. Clover told the office that he had been on a trip with a few friends. The office was suspicious about it but he also saw Clover was also worried and looked at his eyes and saw it was the two that wanted the same classes as him, but they had to believe it to make sure that others would not see that they knew what was going on. So Flare told Clover where the classes were and he showed them the classes. So in the classes Clover sat down next to a friend of his named Flame. Flame asked how come he was not at school and Clover told his friend Flame that he was on a trip with a few friends. Flame was like oh, alright at least you are back. Clover agreed but from the voice Flame was a bit worried that something went wrong. Flare and Bakagou introduced themselves. The teacher told them to sit in the back but they asked to sit next to Clover but the teacher said no. Flare was upset and almost lost control but controlled it instant and said alright. Clover was so happy to not have them sit next to him. So during the time of the class the teacher wanted to do a project with a partner and Clover asked Flame to see if they could be partners. Flame agreed. Flare wanted to ask Clover if he would be is partner and Clover told him he already had a partner and Flare got a bit upset but did not want to cause a scene so he let it go and said alright. Flare asked Bakagou if they could be partners and he said yes. The teacher told the students that they would be working on a project about each other and studying what each other do.The class ended finally Flame asked Clover if he wanted to sit at lunch together and Clover agreed. Clover knew that Flare and Bakagou would be mad but he did not care because he liked being with his friend Flame. Flame and Clover went to lunch and he saw that Flare and Bakagou was following him. Flame asked quietly why was Flare and Bakagou following them and Clover told him to wait till later to say. Flame went alright. Flame and Clover had a wonderful lunch and wanted to tell Flame what had happened until Flare and Bakagou came and sat next to Clover. Flame asked why they were there. Flare said that we are a friend of Clover and wanted to sit next to him. Flame knew that they were not his friend because Flame saw the look in Clovers eyes that he was about to pop any minute.Clover told Flame that he would be right back and knew if he had left that the two would follow. But surprisingly they did not. Clover had texted Flame to meet him by the bathroom. Flame told Flare and Bakagou that he had to use the bathroom but they knew that something was up but were not sure so they let it go.

So Flame and Clover met at the bathroom finally. Clover got to tell what had happened about why he was not at school the real truth. and to not tell anyone about it otherwise they would get hurt. Flame knew it would be bad and knew that the Flare and Bakagou was not Clovers friend. Flame was furious but did not want to say anything so he had kept it a secret. It was hard not to tell anyone what had happened with Clover but he had to keep his friends secret. They both arrived at the next class and saw that Flare and Bakagou was at the same class they were also. Clover and Flame knew that they had to sit together to make sure nothing would happen. Flare and Bakagou were getting suspicious on why they both went to the bathroom. So Flare asked Clover over and asked how come he did not show back up at where they were at. Clover told them that he had to go talk to a teacher about something. Flare was a bit suspicious but also believed him. Flame got worried about what they were talking about, but they finally showed up in the class. Clover sat in front of Flame. Flare and Bakagou got upset that they could not sit next to Clover.

At the end of the day Flame asked Clover to go over to his house and Clover said yes. Flare and Bakagou interrupted and asked if they could be at his house and Flame and Clover knew what was going to happen if they were at his house also. So Clover had to make a perfect excuse. He told them sorry it was only a one time thing I could do and my parents don't like me having that many friends over at the house but maybe another time. Flame was so proud to see that Clover had lied to them. Flare and Bakagou got upset but they had to believe him. So Flare and Bakagou went to their home even though they were not happy. Flame went with Clover at his house and told his parents if Flame could spend the night over and to do the project. Clovers parents agreed but they also wanted to ask on about his other friends. Clover was worried and did not know what to say and Flame told him to tell his parents what had happened about that why he went missing. Clover told his parents about it and they were furious and made sure that Clover and his friend did not go any where near Flare and Bakagou. But Clover told his parents not to tell anyone because that if they knew that he had told someone about what had happened that they would be severely hurt. Clovers parents promised never to tell anyone, but they were still not happy about it.

So the next day Flame and Clover went to school and saw Flare and Bakagou waiting for Clover at the entrance of the school. Clover was worried and wondering why they were waiting for him. Flame whispered Clover to keep calm and don't let them get control over you, also to make sure to never join their group because who knows on what they want you to do in their group. Flare and Bakagou called Clover over to see if he was ready to join the group yet. Clover that he was still not sure but to give him some more time. Flare and Bakagou was not happy but they really wanted him in the group bad. Flare and Bakagou told Clover alright but he had to make it fast. So they gave Clover another few more days but that would be it. Clover was not ready to join their group and they would not let him go. Flare and Bakagou left to their class. Flame and Clover walked together to class but before they got to the class Flame asked what they wanted to see him for. Clover told Flame why they called him over at the entrance of the school. Flame was not happy that Clover had a few more days but that is all he could have. Clover told Flame to not worry and that he had it handled. Flame trusted Clover but still was nervous and worried for him. Clover and Flame finally got to class. 

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