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amelia's pov;

i was sitting in the car on my way from my old house in england to my new house in chicago. i didn't wanna move, but since my dad got a new job in chicago i really didn't have a lot of say in it

as i was sitting, thinking about how little i wanted to move, i thought about what would happen if i just opened the door and jumped out. without saying anything.

"we are here." my dad said

i sighed and looked out. it looked so... rich?

the houses were so big, and the fact that we have been living in a one room apartment our whole life, this didn't seem so bad all of a sudden

"what do you think?" my dad asked me and smiled, "hmm. its okay i guess." i sligtly lied

i didn't want him to think i was okay with this, i had to move away from every single one of my friends because of that stupid job.

"i'm gonna start putting the boxes in" my dad said, "you can just stay out here and look around" and with that he and my stepmom went inside out of the big white house.

i looked around, it was so quiet

my thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing

'maeve' it said, i picked up

amelia: hey mae!
maeve: ameliaaa!! i miss you so much already
amelia: its been a day
- i said and laughed
maeve: i know.. i can't believe you're so far away, chicago... it sounds like another universe!
- as i laughed at what my best friend maeve said, i looked up and saw what could be the most handsome guy alive, my jaw dropped and i embarrassed looked away when we got eye contact, then slowly looked back at him
maeve: mila?
amelia: sorry, what did you say?
maeve: i asked how you like it there? are you okay?
amelia: yeah i'm sorry, it's fine here, can i call you back?
maeve: sure...

i hung up and put my phone in my pocket without moving my eyes from him one second

he had brown shiny hair, blue shiny eyes and dimples that showed without him even cracking the smallest smile.

until he looked at me, and the smile grew and the dimples got deeper. gosh. what a creation

the tension between us cut off when i felt my stepmoms hand on my shoulder, "uhhh, who's that?" she said with a teasing voice

"huh? no one. how would i know?" i answered and walked away, before entering the house i looked back and he was still looking at me.

"hi" he mouthed, and i nervously hurried inside and closed the door.

i could get used to chicago...

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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