The Big Surprise Wake Up (Castle One-Shot)

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Kate woke up with a pain shooting through her head. She groaned and tried to turn in her bed but she found it harder than it should've been. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in someone's arms. She couldn't see who the body belonged to but she couldn't. The person was holding her against her too tight. She looked around the room the best she could and she saw to her relief that she at least was in her own apartment, in her own bed. But then she started thinking. Who the hell did she invite into her apartment? And why were they laying in bed? Or actually, she did have one idea of that but she didn't want to think about it. And it felt like she was half naked which only made her suspicion worse.

"Mm... cherries" the man mumbled and she stiffened when she recognized the voice.

She tried to untangle herself from his arms but he only pulled her tighter towards him.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled and she didn't know what to say or what to do.

She tried to calm down and relax her body. She kinda liked being in his arms, so warm and cozy. Stop it! She couldn't think of him that way. Not yet. She wasn't ready for that. She knew he loved her, or at least he had because he had told her so those months ago when she was shot but, she wasn't ready. Suddenly she felt his hand, which was on her back, started making circles and his touch was so gentle. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed him to wake up.

"Castle" she said it low, not wanting to scare him.

He didn't move an inch.

"Castle!" she said again, a little louder and more aggressive now.

He hummed and she tried to poke his chest lightly to make him wake up faster. She saw his eyes flutter open and with a big yawn he turned his head slowly towards her. He first looked at her with a small smile and then when he realized who he was holding his arms around his eyes widened.

"Kate?!" he exclaimed and his arms loosened.

"Finally" she sighed and pulled herself out of his embrace.

"Wha... why... how?" he asked in confusion and she felt her head pounding.

"How much did we drink last night?" she asked and put her hand over her head.

"I can't remember" he said with a shocked face.

She felt him glance at her and then she remembered she was half naked. She only had her bra and pants on. She quickly took the covers and hid her body. He got out of his trance and muttered a sorry. She blushed, she hadn't even realized she was exposing herself to him.

"Did... uhm... did we...?" Rick's voice died out of embarrassment.

"I-I don't know, did we...?" Kate trembled with her words.

Rick shrugged his shoulders and they looked at each other for a few seconds before they both looked away. Kate thought for a long time but her with her head pounding she couldn't remember anything.

"Close your eyes, Castle" she said and looked at him with serious eyes.

"What? Why?" he asked and she sighed.

"So I can get out of bed and put some clothes on without you staring at me" she said with an irritated voice.

"Oh" he said before closing his eyes.

She waved her hand in front of him and decided he had closed them enough. She quickly jumped out of her bed and walked over to her closet. She took her close and she felt a pair of eyes on her.

"Castle! What did I tell you?!" she yelled when she turned around and saw him staring.

He looked embarrassed and like a kid who got busted eating candy during a normal night. He kept staring though. It was like he was enchanted with her, couldn't stop looking at the beauty in front of him. She tried to cover her up with her clothes and cleared her throat.

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