Unfaithful fiance

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The ring on my finger suddenly felt heavy, like a burden, like a chain.

how could someone be so dishonest?, how could someone look into your eyes with love then seconds later be intimate with another .

how can the person you love that claims they love you just have an affair ? Do they even think about you.

The nights that I called, were you really working, those time I arranged dates or outings did you decline to be with her, those time I wanted to talk about my day or work did you complain you were tired because u just came from listening to her.

I blamed myself all the time you know, I felt like I was pestering you, I always thought he really is tired , I was scared you would get annoyed and give up the relationship, so I respected you, gave you your space, cared for you, offered comfort .

yet even after all of my efforts we ended up Here.

I watched as he lifted her and carried her into his room, layed her on the bed and started to undress her. My vision blurred and a part of my heart burned, it was almost like directly placing your hand into a pot of blazing hot oil.

turning around I slowly walked towards the exit, with every step I could feel my body growing weaker and weaker...

The apartment wasn't very big so in no time I was outside and in my red Chevrolet spark.

the gas was ignited and the wheels of the car speed off into the distance.

hi I am Lotte , Wyatt and I met while I was vacationing in Wales, he was just so different well at first he was, but his personality started to show after he proposed to me. we met in Porthmadog Library, while I was searching for some sort of fantasy novel I walked right into him, we kind of just hit it off from there ,one thing lead to another and a friendship turned into a romance!! he was studying at the University of Southern California and was here on break looking for inspiration for his film project, he was a young fellow aspiring to be a director, At that that time I was already established and had my roots 30ft into the ground, I owned many chains of fine dining restaurants and assets, his determination enticed me, it wasn't often you saw someone actually working on their dreams instead of keeping the dream locked inside of the mind. we had just officially started dating and i realized some nasty traits in him, he would always complain about his circumstances, constantly talking about an expensive lifestyle and jokingly blame his parents for how he grew up " because of my poor lazy parents i have to live this life" i confronted him about it and he apologized though not sincere , having witness this i refrained myself from revealing my identity directly to him . Months passed and he proposed and i was now his fiancé.

here is where it started to go downhill, many times I would go to his apartment to find him faking a rich life, he would be decked out in FAKE designer items , bragging on his Instagram lives how EPIC his life is . My identity is still somewhat a secret , he only knows I work in a restaurant , though some of you may say Lotte you are in a relationship you have to share everything... I can't make excuses i know i should have trust in my partner but he hasn't really given me a reason to trust him. why did I accept his proposal? I do not know, I liked him I guess.... well I used to love him, i used to love the boy I met in the library but he is gone and replaced by a greedy monster who hates to see others succeed .

Tuesday, was the day I went to talk with him about us, you know .. to work things out, this was the day I also found him cheating and the day a burden left me. Even though I was a bit sad I was still happy , I was free and I could be myself again.

the engine was finally turned off after I made sure i was decently parked inside of the garage , as i stepped out of the car my eyes scanned my collection of cars : Range rover, Rolls Royce ,Wrangler Unlimited Altitude. i gave up the things i loved for this man, how stupid.

my expensive clothes were abandoned in the corner of the closet, i haven't worn them in a year and a half.

my fingers briefly brushed against them then I headed into the bathroom . The once bright lights dimmed and the scent of bbw(bath and body works) pumpkin spice latte filled the room,

i laid inside of the bubbly bath occasionally sipping my Domaine Leroy Richebourg Grand Cru 1949

red wine. Classical music played in the background, for the first time in a long time... i was at peace.

My thoughts were abrupted stopped as my ringtone echoed throughout the room.

"hello" i answered in a bored tone

"l-lotte did you stop by today?"

" why?"

" you left your shoes, Lotte w-what did you see"

"throw the shoes away , if that is all-

" i'm really sorry i didn't mean to-"

i hung up

a smirk rose to my face as i took another sip of my wine, now looking back at my life I realized that I really was ignorant. though I saw the red flags I did nothing , it is time I stopped acting like an immature teenager and just focus on myself, I've got my whole life ahead of me..

love can wait.

hey guys thank you for reading this book, be safe and have a good one.

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