Chapter 1

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This is my fist story in here and I really like this ship so I thought why not. Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or stuff like that. But I hope you enjoy!


Akaashi tried so desperately to not let anyone see what he actually felt. He tried so hard to not have any reaction to when Bokuto would slam into his bruises, that he put so much effort in hiding. He kept his grades up and was a star student. All to hide his true feelings.

He never liked going home after school, because his father was there. Akaashi's father was always drunk or not at home. When he was home he would yell and hit Akaashi.

Tonight was one of the rare nights Akaashi was able to get any sleep and to him that was more important than studying for a test. So he curled up on his bed and fell asleep.

The next morning Akaashi woke up and hadn't studied for his exam he had that afternoon. He wasn't prepared and he was getting very anxious.

Regardless he got up and got ready for school. Akaashi went downstairs as quiet and quickly as possible. When he got outside he let out a sigh of relief that his dad didn't hear him.

Time skip to after school

After Akaashi did his exam he already knew that he did terrible. He frustratedly ran his hands through his dark curls. With a sigh he signed up for the retake and walked out of the classroom.

It was after school already so Akaashi headed to the gym for practice.

"HEY HEY HEYYY AKAAAASHIII," Bokuto yelled, throwing his arm around Akaashi's shoulders and Akaashi just sighed.

"Hello Bokuto-san." Akaashi said with an expressionless face.

"AGHAAASHIII TOSS TO ME!!!" Bokuto said running to the court.

After warming up Akaashi walked over to the court with a ball.

After practice

When the team was done cleaning up they went to the club room to change.

"AGHAASHI!! Toss me a few more? Pleaseee?" Bokuto begged.

Akaashi didn't mind since he really didn't want to go home after that test he did earlier that day.

"Sure Bokuto-san." Akaashi said walking back toward the court.

They practice for about another hour and finally Akaashi was getting tired.

"Alright Bokuto-san I think that's enough for today." Akaashi said sipping from his water bottle.

"Okay let's clean up then." Bokuto agreed.

They finally went to the club room and changed.

Akaashi seemed to be a little off today and it was worrying Bokuto. He wanted to ask what was wrong but knowing Akaashi he wouldn't say anything. Nonetheless he still asked.

"Hey 'Kaashi is everything alright, cus you've been acting weird today." Bokuto asked facing the younger male.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine Bokuto-san. Just a bit  tired is all." Akaashi lied.

He thought it was better for Bokuto not to know. He didn't want to burden Bokuto with his problems so he kept quiet about it.

But Bokuto knew something was wrong. Akaashi never let much get to him so if he was acting off about it, it must be something important.

"Are you sure Akaashi? you know I'm always here for you. Right...?" Bokuto asked hesitantly.

"Yes Bokuto-san I'm alright."

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