Chapter One- Night Club Dreamer s

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I walk down the cold streets of Seattle at 3 A.M . The cool air whipping my red wavy shoulder length hair around.

The boss let me off work early so I would have enough time to get a good amount of seven hours of sleep then my usual of three.

Who know maybe I might even get to spend some time in the morning with Lila, mY adorable two in ahalf year old baby girl.

I walk down into the tunnel, walking close to the wall. I hated living in the bad part of town. Things always happen here. I shiver, as the thought crosses in my mind again. I small tear falls down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away, even though its dark out.

I exit the tunnel and hurry along happy to almost be home.

"What's up baby?" I feel a strong grip grab me and pull me into the ally way.

"Let go you pig" I yell, spitting on his face. That doesn't help. He lets go and I take the aprotunatyb to run.

I hear his foot steps right behind me. But be for I know it I face to face with the concrete.

Now I'm alone in the dark - David Escamilla*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now