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I sighed and slammed my head against my desk, feeling the cheap wood crack and splinter under my small weight. I'm getting thin, so thin that sometimes I feel that might break. I haven't been able to eat sufficiently for a while. Hell, I can barely pay the rent this month! After losing my job I couldn't get employed again. I don't really care though, the job was shit and my friend Chiaki is giving me some money.

So I can live... Barely. I desperately need a job. Or some form of payment. Chiaki keeps pestering me with random ways to get money; from mechanics to strip dancing. I said no too them all, obviously. Nothing against mechanics or stip dancers, its just not my thing. To be fair, nothing is really 'my thing'. I'm just a basic broke guy with a great, but sometimes annoying, best friend and a rich twin brother who couldn't give two shits about anyone. Especially not me. We have that in common.

Then, I heard a knock on my door. I'm glad that Chiaki is such a soft person, or my door would be broken by now. I rushed over to my door to open it. My door has no locks so Chiaki could open it if she wanted too, I think she only makes me open it to make sure I haven't died. I opened my door and there she was: Chiaki Nanami, my best friend, she looked tired (as always) and was staring at her gaming device (also as always). As per usual she wore her normal outfit with her backpack she got from some gaming magazine (surprisingly good quality!). To finish her look she had her hairclip in her messy, yet somehow styled, light pink hair.

"Oh, good morning Hajime." She spoke with a yawn. For some reason, she always acted surprised when I opened the door. Acting like she didn't just knock on the door and was just walking along and I had bumped into her. It was kind of annoying but I've gotten used to it.
"Good morning Chiaki," I smirked as she walked in so I shut the door behind her, "you have any more job ideas?".  At this point, at least for me, the question was a complete joke. She was an amazing friend but her job ideas for me weren't the best.  Despite this I sat down on the bed next to her, genuinely intrigued for her answer, who knows, this time it might be a good idea!
"Actually I do." She stated, more forcefully than usual, as if she were exited. Immediately, I regret asking her. This is how I die. I know it.
"What job?" I asked, repressing me fear like I do with the rest of my emotions. Huh. Me and my twin aren't that different after all. That's... terrifying.
"Well it's not a job... but it's a way of getting money very fast and helping you with your single lifestyle." This sentence shook fear into my core, I'm pretty sure I was covered in sweat. The dragging out of the words "but" and "and" didn't make it any better. I think I know what she's taking about and I do not like it.
"Chiaki, I'm not getting a sugar daddy." Her sigh of annoyance proved I was right.
"Ah-ha! You agreed!" Nanami giggled. I frowned at the cheap trick she pulled... but I guess doing a little looking won't hurt?
Sighing, I agreed to look online. I am so going to regret this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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