chapter 1

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naruto was exhausted in that the entity known as pain fired a last ditch attack as pain was also exhausted bit as soon as he fired the attack he regretted it as he knew that he needs the jinjuriky alive but it was to late he was dying from chakra exhaustion on the other hand naruto was trying to crawl out of the way but I all ready consumed him whole then disapered as pain tryed to bring him back but died seconds after in failure

In a ally way

A thud could be heard followed by a scraping sound like sandpaper and wood before it stoped as quicklyas it started all one could hear was soft almost unheard breathing

Nobody's pov

As someone landed on a building and went to sit on the ledge and tiredly looked around to see in a ally what looked to be someone waring rags with some red and on the floor was a red liquid then there eyes widened as thay went to the bandage like scarf and wrapped it around the unconscious figure to hopefully stop the bleeding then called an ambulance
As thay arrived thay lode the figure in to the ambulance and set of to the hospital
As thay got there thay took the bandage like object of the figure that look like they have been in a fight with the damage what was most disturbing was it looked as if there skin was burned of , as thay put a cream to help with the burns thay then put an IV on, thay put his injuries in the patience report and put it in the system and told the police

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