Inlove with an criminal.

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I sat in my bedroom, scrolling through Facebook. My mom was out of town, so I was home alone.

I groaned as I heard my stomach growl, " shut up stomach".

I logged off Facebook, slipping out of my pjs. And into a pair of track pants and a large sweater. It was getting colder out, an I didn't like it.

I walked down the stairs, it was late at night. I liked the darkness, it made you think more. I walked to the fridge, sighing as I saw nothing tasty.

I grabbed my keys, phone and my wallet and walked out of my house. I decided to walk to the store, it was only around the corner. But I knew a quicker way around.

The back alley never scared me, nothing really scared me. I got to the store safe and sound, " hello" the women smiled as I walked in. I raised my hand," hey" then walked to the back.

I grabbed a Arizona, and a chocolate bar and walked to the front.

" that's all?" the women said scanning my things.

" yup" I mumbled grabbing my wallet.

" five dollars and fifty cents please". The women said holding out her hand.

I glanced at her before giving her the money, and grabbing my stuff.

I walked through the back alley again, to go home faster. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a shuffling from behind me. I quickly turned around, the light shinnimg the dark path.

I sighed as I saw nothing there.

I kept walking, then stopping again as I heard it again.

" who ever is out there, you better stop" I said then turning around suddenly feeling someone grab my arm.

I yelled throwing my stuff to the ground, I came face to face with a pair of green eyes. I looked into them, my mind went blank. For the first time in my life, I was scared shitless.

" let go of me!" I yelled pushing the person.

They didnt answer me, I tried pushing them again but got plung to the ground. I put my hand on my face, covering my eyes.

I heard yelled, then panting and someone running away. I opened my eyes, seeing someone grabbing my things and walking to me.

" let go of my stuff!" I said getting up and grabbing my stuff.

I looked down the alley and saw someone running, it looked like them man that tried to take my stuff.

I looked back at the young boy, he looked alittle older then me. He was quite attractive from my perspective.

" did you save me?.." I asked.

" I guess so.." he said shyly.

" oh..well thank you" I said.

" anytime" he said then turning away to leave.

" wait.." I said.

" yes?" he asked facing me.

" whats your name?" I asked.

" Kyle" he said then walking away.

I stood there, watching him leave. I decided to follow him, I had to know where my hero lived so I could thank him. I tried to stay face away form him, keeping space.

We got to the end of the alley, and I watched as kyle opened a small door then walking in.

I ran to the door, opening it then walking up the flight of stairs. Kyle shut the door behind him, but I caught the door in time.

" so this is where you live?" I said walking in.

Kyle jumped, turning around.

" why are you here!?" he asked worried.

" I wanted to know where you lived" I said sitting on the couch.

" no no you shouldn't be here.." he said walking to me, and grabbing my hands.

" what? Why?" I asked confused.

" because..I'm a stranger" he said.

" no, you saved me" I said.

" no, get out" he said.

" no." I said sternly.

" yes!" he yelled.

I was taken back by his yelling, I looked into his eyes then walked out.

walked home, I don't understand why Kyle acted that way. I mean I was just thanking him for saving my life.

I got home, closing my bedroom door behind me and opening my Arizona. And sitting back down on my computer, logging into Facebook.

I saw message pop up, from my boyfriend. My boyfriend was a jock, you know. Big shot in high school, but me and many people just think he uses me for sex, and homework. But whatever..

" hey baby".

" hey" I replied.

" what's up?"

" just got home from the store.. Hbu?"

" my dick;)".

I rolled my eyes, always horny. He needs to get his dick cut off.

" that's nice" I replied annoyed.

" mhm, baby come over" he said.

I sighed," no I'm tired"

" and? Just a blow" he said.

I instantly logged off, I couldn't take it. Even if he got me into party's and gets me popular. I wasn't his sex toy, and I wasn't Anyones sex toy.

I finished my drink, then crawled into bed. Not bothering to change. I sighed, pulling the blankets to my chin. And slowly drifting to sleep.

* Next day*

I woke up, getting out of bed. Thank god it was still the weekend, although Sunday.

I got dressed, and called my best friend Alice.

" hey sexual" alice answered the phone.

" hey girlfriend" I laughed.

" what's up?" she said.

" nothing much, wanna chill?" I asked fixing my hair.

" sure! Meet me at the park in five" she said then hanging up.

I smiled, it's gunna be a good day today.


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