he's the hopeless romantic

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The soft sound of the bell rang before the pitter-patter of footsteps approached the counter, causing the man behind it to tear his eyes away from his novel.

"Hi, Thomas," she said simply.

Thomas sat in shock of who was standing before him. "A-April. How- how have you been?" He stumbled over his words.

"Really good thank you" April said with a smile. Thomas hung his head low in defeat. His past year had been bland and truly agonizing without her by his side. It felt as though she had just come into his store just to gloat. "I have missed you though" she added, in almost a whisper. A bright smile quickly consumed the troubled man's face. This could be his chance, his chance to get the one person he had ever truly cared about, back, forever. "There was a book I found when I was last here" April quickly said as she turned away from the love struck boy behind the counter.

"What was it called?" Thomas asked after clearing his throat.

"That's the thing, I don't remember," she sighed.

"Well you did spend most of your time here in the romance section, so let's start looking there" he decided. The pair made their way over to April's favourite aisle of the store, beginning to search through the enormous stacks on the shelves. A smile overcame April's face as old memories of her time here flooded back.

The two spent half an hour in each other's presence, searching through the shelves silently. Thomas was caught on multiple occasions, stealing glances at the girl beside him; he just couldn't believe that she was actually here, in front of him, after everything that had happened. April stopped suddenly, her breath hitching as she pulled out a large old dusty book from the top shelf.

"Did you find it?" Thomas questioned.

"No, not yet" she replied, never drifting her gaze away from the book that she had now placed in her lap as she sat down to lean against the shelf behind her.

"What is that then?" Thomas asked curiously.

"The Art of Love'' April smiled up at the boy. "I used to love sitting here, flicking through this book" she continued as she brushed through the dusty pages. Thomas stood beside her, looking down in awe at the girl's love for something so small.

"I remember," he said simply.

Aprils head shot up instantly before closing the book and putting it back up on the shelf. "I remember now," April said beaming. "I thought I would be adventurous and step out of my comfort zone" she explained before running down the aisle and to the opposite side of the small store. "I found it!" She danced around in a small circle cheering.

Once he had caught up to her, Thomas lent against the side of the bookshelf, admiring the girl he had never stopped loving. There isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't regret the mistakes he made causing her to leave him. But her happiness today had proved to him that they could move on from their past, and maybe, possibly start over again.

"Is that all?" Thomas asked April as she handed over the book, ready to pay. "A thriller? This doesn't really seem like your cup of tea" he questioned, confused as to why she was purchasing this.

"It's not for me, it's for a... friend" April hesitated.

"Well I hope your... friend enjoys it" Thomas chuckled as he handed it back to her in a small brown paper bag.

"Thank you" she said with a smile before turning to walk out the door. Thomas watched as his chance walked away, sorrow overcoming him. Until, April stopped in her tracks, before turning around and walking back towards him. "This may be a bit strange to ask, because we haven't talked in so long, but would you like to come to my birthday drinks this Friday night? It would be nice to catch up after all this time" April waited awkwardly for an answer, afraid of rejection.

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