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~Dad's POV~
I got into my cær and drove to Curtis' house. I got out of the cær holding a bag of McDonald's chicken nuggies. They were salty AF. I walked up to Curtis' house slammed the door down. I ran to Curtis' room and knocked gently.

~Curtis' POV~
I got up off my lazy ass and walked to the door. I placed my forehead on the door and said, "No one asked u BITCH."
Then I opened the door to see that it was Dad.

Dad walked into the room and got a magical cat carrier out of his invisible cloak. He set the cat carrier down in the bed. Inside was 3 cats. They jumped out of the cat carrier and ran out of the room.

Dad walked over to the door and kicked it shut and then locked it. I picked up the cat carrier and threw it in my closet. :(

~Dad's POV~

After Curtis threw the cat carrier in the closet, I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bed and turned in the TV in front of him. I grabbed the McDonald's nuggies and handed them to him. "fUckIng vAG," Curtis said, then he proceeded to eat the nuggies.

~Timeskip brought to you by Killer Queen~

It was 2AM and we were still watching TV. I got on top of Curtis.




DAD x Curtis 🙀 LEMON!!! 🦶Where stories live. Discover now