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Ojiro took a shaky breath, and walked over towards Midoriya's desk, dropping a note on it as he passed by. Midoriya looked at him questionably, and opened the note.

Could you come to my dorm after school?
I have something I would like to tell you.

                            - Ojiro

Midoriya blushed, and looked over at Ojiro. They made eye contact, and Midoriya flashed a smile, confirming that he would be there.

I really do love you, huh?


Ojiro nervously finished his soda, impatiently waiting for Midoriya to arrive. Then, someone knocked at his door. Ojiro jumped, and quickly yelled, "Come in!"

The door opened, and Midoriya shuffled inside. "You wanted to... see me?" Ojiro nodded, and pat the empty spot next to him. Midoriya smiled, and plopped onto the bed.

Ojiro's tail lightly thumped against his mattress, as he fiddled with his fingers. "Okay so, I really want to tell you something. And it's like, kinda really important that I tell you." Ojiro quipped. Midoriya slightly tilted his head, "Do tell, do tell." He smiled.

Ojiro took a deep breath,
"I like you. Not like in a friend way either. I really want to date you, and kiss you, and hug you, and do all of that lovey-dovey stuff with you. You're such an amazing person and I honestly really want to kiss you right now, with your consent."

Midoriya flushed, "I... you- me? You like... me?" He stammered. Ojiro smiled nervously. "Uh... yeah. Y-You don't have to date me or anything I just really needed-"
   "I... I like you too, Ojiro." Midoriya replied, burying his hands in his lap, avoiding eye contact with the blonde in front of him.

Ojiro froze. "Oh... oh my." He mumbled, and clasped his hands together. Midoriya crawled closer to the blonde, and grabbed his chin, turning his head to make eye contact with him. He inhaled sharply, "Is it okay if I...?" He asked.
   Ojiro nodded, his face turning redder than before. Midoriya leaned in, and locked their lips together. Ojiro's heart pounded, and he kissed back.

Midoriya's arms snaked around his shoulders, and Ojiro gently wrapped his tail around the green haired boy's waist. They kissed for a while, and then they broke apart. Ojiro buried his face into Midoriya's neck, and mumbled, "Your... your lips are very soft." Midoriya grinned.

"Would you like to do it again?"

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