The glow of the night

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• the grey of evening fills the room... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

It seemed she had it all. Here she was, sleeping in her bed, seemingly happy, but numb in her husband's arms. She was weirdly pleased by an unknown source of happiness, somewhere, out there, in the deep-down-dark-deep-down, knowing that it couldn't really be better.

Dreams? I guess she had them, a sad plethora of them also. She seemed to dream and long towards off and away, just as if she'd heard a song from her childhood far far away under the water of her subconscious. Dissociation seemed to be an escape, an escape from something, something, something... Nothing at all really. Something drew her upward and onward, maybe downward even, she knew not where she was going. Not even for one moment could she think about that.

Now she was in the middle of one of those messy things she liked to call dreams... until she wasn't. Her blue eyes flung themselves open, full of that same water her deepest mind welled out whenever she seemed to miss something. The time had come for her to gather some sort of strange fruit... Numbness everywhere in her left and her right, but most of all the leg she'd hurt some while ago. She'd fallen... But where? Memories of some while, ages before, hit her kind and gentle face like rain from the Heavens. 

She was smelling things. Maybe incense, something of the sorts, she didn't quite know what to do with the smell. Knowing it was all in her mind, she shook her head and tried to remember the broken shadow of her dream, a shell of what once had been herself. But why all this? Why did she, out of all people, have to deal with that kind of thing? She searched inside herself for an answer as she brushed her soft, greying hair. Salt, pepper, and unaltered longing... For what?

Eating a piece of toast, she chewed her thoughts up along with the plain, buttered bread. There'd be work to do, that she knew. But melting inside of her was the last flame of steadiness, the last flame of any sort of trace of conformity. She burned within because of what?

An answer she seeked, and she could not find... And perchance it was not hers at all to begin with. She'd need to dig, far and wide, to find what was lost again.

Sarah Wren was a respectable teacher in the area she lived in, somewhere out in the state of Washington, near the town she grew up in. Comfort, comfort, comfort... Everything she sought after consisted of this and nothing more. 

But as she headed to work, strange thunder came from the skies. Lightning crested the skies from left to right and all around, as if to warn of death or something greater. All she had left to do was to figure out how and why. 

Your eyes can be so cruel... (Sarah x Jareth)Where stories live. Discover now