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July fourth, 1986

(Tape starts)
It started..about a year ago. I-i wasn't aware of it until it started to show itself..
The wasps. The first sign was the wasps. They wouldn't leave me alone. Whenever I got stung it was like I broke a bone. Excruciating pain. There wasn't even a mark there. It just hurt like hell. I would recover within a day, though. And the weird thing is the wasps would die after they sting me. Not just one wasp the whole hive would drop dead. Its like something was there, controlling it. But why me? Why was I the only one stung? 2 other people lived with me, my father and my brother. We lived in a house made of wood in a huge forest. Its a pretty big house, considering my dad built it himself. Just my mom, my dad and my brother. They wanted to live out here, where they didnt have to worry about rent and all that. They made a mistake. My mom died when she went into a forest one day to go back to the city trade to get us some food. She took the golf cart , we havent seen her since. There was a whole searching party we organized, even then we couldnt find her. We searched for weeks, months even. We never found her. My dad started to lose hope and my brother broke his foot when a tree fell on him. So only I was left on the search. One day the police called us up and they said they found her rotting body. We came over to see if it was a prank or something.. but it was her. Of course my dad couldn't come. He was in to much, "greif" so I had to drive there myself. She didnt seem.. well it was almost like she wasn't real. Not the situation.. her face.. it just, it didnt look like her face. I know her face. Ive seen it all, my life. It doesnt seem right though. Where did the golf cart go? Why.. why doesnt she have her necklace? And her ring? She never takes them off..this whole thing seemed so sketchy to me. The forest wasn't even that dangerous. The worst that could happen to you is you accidentally fall on a treebranch or get a tick. I came home that day.. i didnt trust anyone. The woods. I didnt trust the woods. My dad kind of broke after that. None of us were the same. My dad kept asking me why I wasn't mourning or why it didnt seem like I cared. I dont know. I dont know why it happened or how it happened or if it even fucking happened in the fisrt place. I cant think straight.. can I leave please? I dont wanna be here.. no i odnt wanna tell you the rest. I dont wanna.. I DONT WANT TO TELL YOU THE REST LEAVE ME ALON-

*tape ended*

August twenty seventh, 1986
(Tape starts)

*sigh* So eventually my dad left and only my brother and I lived together. At the time we were about 19 ish, maybe 20. We were old enough to drive, we've been savin up for a big truck together. Our mom, she always wanted a second floor. Dad stopped after she disappeared, apparently "died" or whatever they wanna call it. We were pretty close the two of us. We decided to build a house elsewhere, leave this all behind us. We could start a farm, maybe. We could find some wives, start a family. Oh boy was that a dream. We didnt know what was coming for us..
We worked by cutting down trees and logs turnin them into stuff people use, then sell it for a ton. Needed bout' 7k to get to where we needed. Sold our stuff for about 100-500. Sometimes 1k, if we're lucky. We stayed in the house for about a month. Thats when the weird ass stuff started poppin up. Forget the wasps, you thought that was weird..Do i have to say it? I do. Or what? You're gonna lock me up like you do with the other creatures? Just so you can keep your lil skit goin.. fine. After the wasps. Sounds started coming out of the woods. The woods were thick, pretty tall trees. It sounded like the wind at first, but it started turnin into this.. howling sound. It sounded so nostalgic. Like it was calling for you.. I cant even explain it. Even imaginein it sends shivers down my spine. My brother heard it too. I think we heard different things, because it sounded like our mom to my brother. It sounded like.. a girl i met a while ago. It sounded like she was calling for me. It happened every single day. It was drivin me crazy so I decided to go into the woods with a shotgun in hand. Didn't know what was out there, but if my mom died like this then i think i best get my revenge before it kills anyone else. Didnt care if it was some creepy fairytale shit, I needed to know what it was. It was raining that day, didnt stop me though. I went into the forest and the moment I lost sight of the house a weird feeling sprung upon me. I was being pulled towards something. I lost it. My brain.. it wasn't working. My memories were being all fucked up..memories I never had or experienced just came in as if I was there clear as day. I was so overwhelmed with so much happening I lost my sight and blacked out. Dropped my shotgun, tripped over a route. I guess I fell in a puddle or some shit cause I felt a warmish puddle that had black water splash all over my face as I hit the ground. It was more muddyish, but i didn't exactly have enough time to realize what it was. I blacked out and woke up about an hour later. I don't know how long I was out, could've been an hour, a day, a week, hell it could've been a month. I wasn't in the same place I was before. It was like.. it looked like a dessert. But the sand was black. Almost like a dessert graveyard. I got up and started walking. I walked for so long. I didn't know where I was going. The weird thing is I didn't feel like time was passing. I just felt like I had to keep walking. I appeared upon a huge rock sticking out of the ground. I decided to climb it. The sky was pitch black, the only light I could use is the huge red sun. Bigger than anything i've ever seen. The sun's radiation was overwhelming. It Was so hot there.. yet i didn't really feel affected. I just sat on the rock for a while. I want to be afraid of falling off, even though if I fell hundreds of feet down I would definitely die. It just didn't seems like anything I should be worried about. The air seemed dense as well. Didn't know how I was breathing, but there was certainly oxygen in the air..i think?
I looked up and I saw the most gorgeous thing. There was a pack of enormous whales just floating up in the sky drifting around. At least.. i think it was a sky? I climbed down from the rock very carefully and continued walking. I kept speculating what this place is or where I am. There was this huge forest up ahead. I saw floating mountains and trees taller than the sky. I felt like a child's doll in the middle of the ocean. I didn't know plants could grow in the sand but if there's floating titan whales I guess everythings possible. I decided to climb a tree and it was surprisingly easy. That's when I made a mistake. I tripped and one of the branches fell.i plumped down grabbing for any branch i could and a huge leaf saved me. i grabbed on as tight as possible but theleafe broke like glass and i fell through the ground. It still felt like i was falling but I wasn't anywhere. At all. Just a bank space. It didn't feel like anything and there was no air. I didnt choke somehow, I guess I didn't need air. I kept " falling" and eventually hit a ground. I lay down and i saw colors. It was almost at a certain angle there was nothing then something. I closed my eyes and shot up. I burst up in the woods and I was shot out of a pit. I hit a tree and fell. I got up almost immediately and checked for any damages. I realized a tree branch pierced my skin.. but i was fine. At that point aI thought I was going crazy. I had memories I never experienced and i was seemingly immortal. I looked up and my eyes widened. I heard this whisper. It was like the reaction you would have if you heard someone scream.. but like a blood curdling scream. The kind of scream you hear when your limbs are being ripped apart one my one. The whisper.. it said that I would live to see the world itself die but you yourself would not die with it. Thinking about immortality with a different perspective can drive you insane. Imagining the world turning into the moon's surface. Dry. Cold. Lifeless. But there was something else. Something so terrifying and terrible that it did to me. it didn't seem like a dream. But the-

*information lost*
(Tape ended)

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